Jesus in Amos

Jesus in Amos

What a gate!   Lavish opulence  …  can be found beyond the gate.

The wealthiest of the wealthiest enjoy luxurious homes and properties with sweeping dramatic views of the valley and mountain range  …  beyond the gate.  Private and reserved.

However …  …  the forces of nature which caused the dramatic sweeping views, hold a silent power no one ever thinks about.  A fault line … running deep underground.  With the power to shake the earth at any moment.  Unsettling and bringing down the foundations of even the most “secure.”

Earthquakes.  No one thinks much about them, as we go about our day-to-day lives striving to make bigger, better bucks and purchase bigger, better things.  We’re comfortable.  We’re successful.  We’re secure.

Or are we?

The book of Amos was written two years before an earthquake.  (Amos 1:1Zechariah 14:5 – “You will flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah.”)

There is nothing like an earthquake to make you feel very very small!   To have the stable ground beneath your feet shaking uncontrollably! … the building you are within shaking uncontrollably! … things falling! … things crashing!  … it is utterly frightening and helpless!

The book of Amos was written to the northern kingdom of Israel … and to the surrounding nations … to those who were prosperous, wealthy.   Just like us today, they were busy purchasing bigger, better things.  They were comfortable.  They were successful.  They were secure. 

The book of Amos warns:  God is angry because you are more interested in your wealth than in obeying God!  You only look out for your own interests.  You have no concern for the needs of others!  You are taking advantage of others in order to increase your own wealth.

In the book of Amos, God is holding people accountable for their mistreatment of others.
–   selling the needy to gain goods and possessions – Amos 1:6;   Amos 1:9;   Amos 2:6
–   taking advantage of the helpless – Amos 2:7
–   men were using women immorally – Amos 2:8
–   hoarding and amassing goods and possessions – Amos 3:10
–   oppressing the poor;  crushing the needy – Amos 4:1Amos 5:11-12  
–   dishonesty, extortion for unfair gain – Amos 8:4-6

God tells the people:  “I hate, I despise your religious feasts; I cannot stand your assemblies.  Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. … Away with the noise of your songs!  I will not listen to the music of your harps.”   – Amos 5:21-23

“Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”   – Amos 5:24

“Hate evil, love good;  maintain justice in the courts.”   – Amos 5:15

“Seek the LORD and live.”   – Amos 5:6

The book of Amos is God warning the people!  Prepare to meet your God!  (Amos 4:12)   Judgement is coming!   Disobedience will result in consequences!

The book of Amos calls out to us today.  We are wealthy.  We are comfortable.  We are successful.  But are we caring for the needy?  Are we taking care of the poor?  Are we treating others with honesty, fairness, respect? 

The message of Amos is for us:  Beware … we are sitting on top of a fault line.  We might think we are stable … but God can shake us to our very foundations!   And bring us down!

“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”   – 1 Corinthians 10:12

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”   – Proverbs 16:18

Jesus Christ in Amos

It is prophesied in Amos 8:9 that God would darken the day at noon during Messiah’s [Jesus’s] death (This happened – Matthew 27:45-46).

In Amos 9:13-15 the future glorious kingdom of Jesus is prophesied.  (Revelation chapters 21-22;  Joel 3:18;   Isaiah 65:17-25)