Jesus in Acts

Jesus in Acts

Our background gate today is the entrance to a Power Substation.  Here great amounts of power are brought in from the generation facilities in the foothills of the Cascades.  And from here the power is disseminated and sent throughout the region … ultimately reaching each and every home.

The book of Acts is about Power!   The Power of Jesus Christ!   Spread across the world … by the Power of the Holy Spirit!

In the Old Testament, God promised that He would one day pour out His Spirit on those who love and follow Him.  (Joel 2:28-29)

When Jesus came to earth, He also promised that God would one day pour out His Spirit on those who love and follow Him.  (John 14:15-17John 14:25-26)

When we open the book of Acts, we see that God kept this promise!  God sent His Spirit!  God poured out His Spirit of Power on all who love and follow Jesus!  (Acts 2:1-24)

Jesus’s final words, before He returned back to Heaven, were these:  “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”   – Acts 1:8

The Good News about Jesus Christ must reach everyone!

*  The power of Jesus Christ has broken down the barrier of sin!  The power of Jesus Christ has opened the gateway to Heaven! 

*  The power of Jesus Christ can change lives!  The power of Jesus Christ can heal broken people!  The power of Jesus Christ can bring hope!

This Good News needs to reach everyone!

– The Gospel of Matthew was written to share this Good News with the Jewish people.
– The Gospel of Mark was written to share this Good News with the Roman people.
– The Gospel of Luke was written to share this Good News with the Greek people.
– The Gospel of John was written to share this Good News with Everyone!  Everyone … in every nation … every people group … every ethnicity.

Just like the power coming into the Power Substation … the Power of Jesus Christ is here!  It’s available!  It can bring LIGHT to everyone!

The book of Acts is the story of the Power of Jesus Christ being sent throughout the world … beginning in Jerusalem, spreading throughout Judea and Samaria … and ultimately reaching the farthest corners of the earth. 

When it comes to electrical grids, power is lost the further it travels across long distances.  But this is not the case when it comes to spreading the Power of Jesus Christ!  God sent His Spirit … the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit keeps the charge going … no matter the distance!

Jesus Christ in Acts

–  Jesus is the glorified, enthroned Savior of the world who continues His ministry on earth through the power of the Holy Spirit working through His followers, until He returns.  (Acts 1:7-9)

–  Jesus is the Author of Life – Acts 3:15-16

–  Jesus is the Judge of the living and the dead – Acts 10:42-43

–  Jesus is the Righteous One, who was prophesied would come. – Acts 7:52