Jesus in 2 Peter

Jesus in 2 Peter

Our background gate today sits on a piece of property which once used to be vacant and barren.  It was just a lonely empty field, on the corner of a busy street … with a dilapidated house and a run-down barn. 

However, now … after months upon months of hard work, this property has been transformed into a beautiful Nursery & Event Venue.

This is what Jesus Christ does with those who believe in Him.  Every person in the world is a sinner … separated from God.  Life empty and barren, just like this field once was.  Without hope, or a future.  Forgotten, along the side of life’s busy highway.

But God chose us!   Jesus purchased us with His own blood.  And Jesus began a work of transforming us, to make our lives into something beautiful!

Peter opens his second letter with this encouragement:  “God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.”  – 2 Peter 1:3

Jesus is at work to make something beautiful from our lives … and He has provided everything we need! 

Just as the gardeners have provided everything needed in order to prepare the beautiful Nursery & Event Venue …
–  back-hoes and bulldozers to clear the ground
–  hundreds of thousands of new plants
–  fresh paint and major renovations on the structures

So also, this is what Jesus is doing for those who follow Him.  Jesus is transforming and changing lives!  Jesus is clearing ground.  Jesus is changing the landscape.  Jesus is adding new growing things.  Jesus is renovating.  Jesus is making something beautiful!

–  It all starts with faith … faith in Jesus Christ! – 2 Peter 1:5
–  Added to our faith is goodness … doing what is good, right, and true. – 2 Peter 1:5
–  Added to this is knowledge … knowing Jesus more and more! – 2 Peter 1:5
–  Added to this is self-control – 2 Peter 1:6
–  Added to this is perseverance – 2 Peter 1:6
–  Added to this is godliness … becoming more and more like Jesus! – 2 Peter 1:6
–  Added to this is kindness – 2 Peter 1:7
–  Added to this is love – 2 Peter 1:8

Jesus, the Master Gardener, adds these qualities to our lives.  And as these qualities are cultivated, our Christian lives become fruitful!   Effective!   Productive!  (2 Peter 1:8)

But 2 Peter has a warning! 

Watch out for those who will come into the “garden” and start spreading “weeds.”  Watch out for false teachers!  Watch out for those who will spread a message which is something other than the message of Jesus. 

There is a reason why there is a gate across the entrance to the Nursery & Event Venue property.  Not just anyone is allowed into this space to do whatever they wish.

The same thing is true when it comes to God’s “garden” … not just anyone is welcome to come in and spread destructive teaching and weeds of heresy.  The book of 2 Peter speaks a very strong warning:  Watch out for such people!  (2 Peter chapter 2)  The Master Gardener [Jesus] will deal severely with them!!

The Nursery & Event Venue in our background photo is still a work-in-progress.  The grand unveiling is soon … in the fall of this year. 

So also, 2 Peter chapter 3 encourages followers of Jesus that the grand unveiling of Jesus’s Kingdom on earth is soon! 

*  Jesus is coming soon! 
*  So be on your guard against false teachers!  (2 Peter 3:17
*  Continue to grow in your Christian life!  (2 Peter 3:18)
*  Continue to grow in your knowledge of Jesus!  (2 Peter 3:18)

Jesus Christ in 2 Peter

–  Jesus is the Morning Star who brings new life and new hope – 2 Peter 1:19

–  Jesus is the one who rescues the righteous from temptation, and reserves the wicked for judgment – 2 Peter 2:9

–  Jesus formed everything by His word – 2 Peter 3:5

–  Jesus is holding everything together by His word, for the day of Judgment – 2 Peter 3:7

–  Jesus is coming again! … it could be at any time, any day, any moment – 2 Peter 3:10