Jesus in 2 John

Jesus in 2 John

The book of 1 John emphasized “walking in the Light” …  therefore our background photo for 1 John emphasized a gateway which sat upon a dividing line between the shadows and the light.

Pass through the gateway of Jesus … from the “shadows” of sin … and “walk in the Light” of Jesus Christ!

Our background gateway for the book of 2 John is an open, welcoming gateway … but as you will notice shadows have moved in upon the scene.

The book of 2 John is a short letter, written to followers of Jesus Christ.  These believers in Jesus were warm and welcoming, just like our background gate today is open and welcoming.  But these believer in Jesus had unknowingly opened up their lives to the influence of false teachers. 
–  The false teachers denied that Jesus was fully God. 
–  The false teachers denied that Jesus came from Heaven to earth as a man, to pay the penalty for sin. 

The false teachers had brought “shadows” upon the scene … hindering the followers of Jesus from “walking in the Light.”

The book of 2 John is a warning!  Watch out for false teachers! 

The book of 2 John is warning against the influence of any teaching which denies Jesus is fully God, come from Heaven to earth as a man, to pay the penalty for sin.

Do not listen to such teaching!  Such teaching brings “shadows” … such teaching  is not the way to “walk in the Light.”

Jesus Christ in 2 John

Jesus is the Son of the Father – 2 John 1:3
Jesus is the only way to the Father – 2 John 1:9