Jesus in 2 Chronicles

Jesus in 2 Chronicles

The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles are written to the first remnant of Jews returning back to their homeland after 70 years of captivity in the far-away land of Babylon.  The very first group to return comes with the express purpose and intent of rebuilding the Temple.

Jerusalem is in ruins!  The wall around the city is torn down and lies in heaps of rubble everywhere!  The Temple is utterly and completely destroyed … burned with fire.  These Jews who have returned to rebuild the Temple never saw Jerusalem in it’s former glory.  They were born in Babylon and grew up in Babylon the past 70 years. 

The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles are written to these Jews, as they stand in the middle of the rubble and the ruin.  The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles cry out:  “Remember!  Listen, and let me tell you what Solomon’s Temple was like!  Let me tell you what wholehearted worship to God looks like!”

*   2 Chronicles, chapters 2-7 detail Solomon’s building of the magnificent Temple of God.   Remember!

*   2 Chronicles 10:1-19 describes how that when the kingdom split, due to civil war, the Levites from all over Israel flocked to Jerusalem to continue their priestly duties.  Remember!  Remember that no matter what happens, continue to worship God with wholehearted devotion!

*   2 Chronicles, chapters 10-19 relate the ups and down of the southern kingdom of Judah, as the rulers and the people vacillate between rebellion against God, and turning to follow God.  Remember!  Remember that disobedience results in consequences!

*   2 Chronicles 7:12-22 highlight God’s faithfulness as God promises:   “If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”   –2 Chronicles 7:14

*   2 Chronicles 16:9 further reiterates God’s faithfulness:  “The eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”

Our background photo for today shows a magnificent gate.  The Jews to whom the books of 1 & 2 Chronicles are written, are standing in piles of ruin and rubble.  There are no magnificent gates like this … only heaps of rubble.  Remember!  Remember!!

The book of 2 Chronicles closes with the sad account of the fall of Jerusalem:  “The LORD, the God of their fathers sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because He had pity on His people and on His dwelling place.  But they mocked God’s messengers, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against His people and there was no remedy.”   – 2 Chronicles 36:15-16

“God handed all of them over to Nebuchadnezzar. … They set fire to God’s temple and broke down the wall of Jerusalem;  they burned all the palaces and destroyed everything of value there.  He carried into exile to Babylon the remnant, who escaped from the sword, and they became servants to him and his sons until the kingdom of Persia came to power.”   – 2 Chronicles 36:17, 19-20

How raw these words are for the people to whom this is written … as they stand among the ruins and the rubble.

But there is hope!   The final closing words of 2 Chronicles state:  “This is what Cyrus king of Persia says:  ‘The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build a temple for Him at Jerusalem in Judah.  Anyone of His people among you – may the LORD His God be with him, and let him go up.’” – 2 Chronicles 36:23

Ok Jews … this is you!  You, standing there among the ruins and the rubble … this is you!  This is your time!  Let’s get at it!

Jesus Christ in the book of 2 Chronicles can be seen in the Temple.  The Temple was so very important because it was there that God’s presence came to be with His people.  But we do not need the Temple anymore today … because Jesus Christ has come!  Through Jesus, the presence of God is with us!
–  Matthew 28:20
–  Galatians 4:4-6
–  Galatians 2:20
–  2 Corinthians 1:20-22
–  Romans 8:38-39