Jesus in 1 Samuel

Jesus in 1 Samuel

Our background photo for today was taken from a high place.  So also, as we read through the first half of the book of 1 Samuel, we see that the nation of Israel is at a high point.  The disobedience which was prevalent during the time of the Judges has turned to obedience under the leadership and direction of Samuel.

The remarkable story of Samuel’s birth is found in 1 Samuel chapters 1-3, as God calls Samuel to be His chosen Prophet from childhood.  For the duration of his life, Samuel faithfully delivers to the people God’s instructions for them.  Samuel faithfully leads the people in worship of the one true God.  The people obey … and God blesses the nation.

The nation of Israel is unlike any of the other nations around them.  They are God’s very own chosen people.  They are loved by God.  They are instructed by God.  They are led and governed by God.  Things are at an all-time high.

After a long and faithful life of devotion to God, Samuel appoints his two sons to be judges over Israel, in his stead.  However, Samuel’s sons did not follow God wholeheartedly.  In 1 Samuel 8:3-5 we read that they did not judge honestly or uprightly.  But rather they turned aside after dishonest gain and perverted justice.

The elders of Israel came to Samuel and aired their grievances.   They did not want Samuel’s dishonest sons to judge over them.  They would rather be like the nations around them and have a king. 

And thus begins the downward descent of the second half of the book of 1 Samuel. 

Samuel was grieved that the people wanted a king.  God Himself was their king. 

Disobedience results in consequences!  And as we see in our background photo today, the high place from which the photo was taken leads downward … down to a rather regal “kingly” gate … which, you will notice, is heavily overshadowed. 

Samuel solemnly warned the people that a king would overshadow their lives with added burdens.  A king would take the best of their crops and livestock.  A king would tax them heavily.  A king would take their sons for his army.  A king would take their daughters to serve in his royal courts.  A king would overshadow their lives with burdens.

Nevertheless, the people insisted that they wanted to be like the other nations around them.  They wanted a king!

And so, the second half of the book of 1 Samuel is the sad downward account of the very first king of Israel … Saul.  From all outward appearances Saul was the perfect choice for king.  He was tall and good looking!  But his heart was not wholly devoted to God.

Disobedience results in consequences! 

Before long, Saul’s true character was revealed.  Saul was rash … issuing harsh and unreasonable orders.  (1 Samuel 14:24-35)    Saul was impatient, to the point of disrespecting God’s commands and defiantly disobeying God.  (1 Samuel 15:1-29)   

Insane jealousy became the defining character of Saul’s life, as he murderously, ceaselessly hunted David.  (1 Samuel, chapters 18-27)

Saul’s downward path of disobedience was so great that he eventually sought advice and counsel from a demonic medium.  (1 Samuel, chapter 28)   Disobedience results in consequences!  Saul’s life was plagued with depression and personal despair.  In the end, Saul committed suicide. 

Disobedience results in consequences!

Throughout the book of 1 Samuel, Jesus Christ can be seen  … pictured in the life of Samuel.

– as Prophet, Samuel delivered the words of God to the people.  So also, as Prophet, Jesus Christ is the very Word of God who came so that humanity could know God.  (John 1:14)

– as Priest, Samuel regularly offered sacrifices to God on behalf of the people for their sins.  So also, as Priest, Jesus Christ offered to God the ultimate, once-for-all sacrifice for the sins of all humanity … the sacrifice of his very life.  (Hebrews 10:12)

– as Judge, Samuel judged the people.  So also, as Judge, Jesus Christ is the ultimate Judge before whom all humanity will one day give an account.  (2 Corinthians 5:10)