Jesus in 1 Peter

Jesus in 1 Peter

Our gate today is not a fancy gate.  It does not even have a hinge.  Nevertheless, this gate is very effective at doing the work of a gate.
–  It swings open and shut.
–  It provides protection.
–  It provides a boundary.

This gate is very important because it protects the garden from being devoured … by deer.

At the same time, this gate also provides entrance into the garden so that the gardener might tend and care for the garden.

The book of 1 Peter is a letter of encouragement for the followers of Jesus Christ.  Peter lets the followers of Jesus know that there is a great evil which wants to devour them:  “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  – 1 Peter 5:8

Just like the deer prowl around the garden seeking to devour the tender little tomato plants, the tiny sprigs of lettuce, and the brand-new beans sprouting … so also the devil prowls around seeking to devour the followers of Jesus. 

You never know when the deer will show up.  Their coming is subtle … in the gathering dusk, or perhaps in the still-yet darkness of early morning.  Camouflaged with their surroundings, they gradually make their way over to the garden corner … gradually they circle all sides.  Yet the plants inside are protected.

*  1 Peter lets us know that, as followers of Jesus, we are shielded and protected!  – 1 Peter 1:5

*  Therefore, we have Hope!  Our Hope is a Living Hope! … because Jesus is alive and living! – 1 Peter 1:3

*  Not only that, as followers of Jesus, we have an inheritance being kept for us in Heaven!  An inheritance that will never perish, spoil, or fade.  – 1 Peter 1:4

The gate provides a barrier of protection for the plants in the garden.  Does this mean that everything will be easy for the plants?

Not at all.  Already this Spring we have had week after week of hail, hail, and more hail.

There is no telling what Summer will bring.  Perhaps there might be endless days of low, grey cloud-cover.  Plants struggle to grow without sunshine.  Perhaps there might be drought-like conditions, such as last Summer.  Times of drought are hard!

The same is true when it comes to being a follower of Jesus.  Yes, we are shielded and protected by God’s power!  But this does not mean life will be easy and wonderful.  There will most certainly be trials and hardships.  (1 Peter 1:6-7)

How do we handle these trials and hardships? 

–  Prepare your minds – 1 Peter 1:13
–  Set your hope fully on Christ – 1 Peter 1:13
–  Do not conform to evil – 1 Peter 1:14
–  Be holy – 1 Peter 1:15
–  Get rid of all malice – 1 Peter 2:1
–  Get rid of all deceit – 1 Peter 2:1
–  Get rid of all hypocrisy – 1 Peter 2:1
–  Get rid of all envy – 1 Peter 2:1
–  Get rid of all slander – 1 Peter 2:1
–  Be submissive and respectful – 1 Peter 2:13-181 Peter 3:1-71 Peter 5:3-6
–  Endure suffering, looking to Jesus as our example – 1 Peter 2:20-241 Peter 3:8-221 Peter 4:12-191 Peter 5:10

And so the garden grows.  In spite of the forces seeking to devour.  In spite of the hardships and trials.

So also, as followers of Jesus Christ, we grow.  We grow in our relationship with Jesus.  We grow in our knowledge of Jesus.  We grow in righteousness.  And we produce a harvest of righteousness and good deeds.  (1 Peter 4:7-11)

Jesus Christ in 1 Peter

–  Jesus is the Living Stone, rejected by men but chosen by God to be the Cornerstone of the Church – 1 Peter 2:4-8

–  Jesus is our example of Suffering – 1 Peter 1:10-11;   1 Peter 2:21-241 Peter 4:11 Peter 4:12-14

–  Jesus is the Chief Shepherd of our souls – 1 Peter 3:25;   1 Peter 5:4

–  Jesus is preeminent in Heaven right now, seated at the right hand of God – 1 Peter 3:22