I’ve got mail!

I’ve got mail!

Hubby and I received the most exciting package in the mail this weekend!   It was from our special little friends up in Alaska!  

N. thanked me for his special bowl in his Back-to-School box.    He let me know that he had used his bowl to pick raspberries.   And he loved that there were bears on his cup!   He also drew us a picture of the Kenai Peninsula and of the fish he caught.   

I was delighted!!  

H.  drew us a fantastic picture of the Charge of the Cavalry in the Battle of Gettysburg.   He thanked me for his Japanese cup in his Back-to-School box.   He really liked the fact that it said:  “Made in Japan” on it!  

I was thrilled!!  

M.  loved the jokes on his Back-to-School box!    He let me know that he had had hot coco in his special cup.   He also wanted us to know that he and his Dad are building an auto-scan FM receiver. 

I was so excited for him!!  

E.  sent us this delightful picture of firefighters.   He was so excited that his Back-to-School box was a fire engine!  

I was thrilled!!  

I couldn’t help thinking how each of these precious letters is a beautiful object lesson of what prayer is like.  

God is every bit as delighted to hear from us in prayer, as I was to hear from our precious little friends in Alaska.  

God gives us wonderful gifts  …  such as this beautiful sunrise this morning.  

God was every bit as delighted in how much I enjoyed his special sunrise this morning  …  as I was when N. let me know how much he liked his special cup with bears on it.   I had specifically picked out a cup with bears on it  …  because I knew N.  would like it.   In the same way, God specifically gives us daily blessings just for us  …  because He knows we will like them!  

And God is so delighted when we respond to his blessings!  

God gave me the wonderful gift of discovering a Lobster Mushroom yesterday!   I have never seen a mushroom like this before!   I was thrilled!   

God was every bit as delighted in how much I enjoyed his special mushroom surprise  …  as I was when E.  let me know how excited he was to receive a fire engine Back-to-School box!   I had specifically picked out a fire engine box for E.  because I knew he loved fire engines.  

God loves to hear from us!   God is so delighted when we respond with joy and gratitude for his special blessings just for us!  

Also, yesterday God gave me the wonderful blessing of a beautiful waterfall!   I was in awe and wonder! 

My delight in God’s blessing of this waterfall was just like H’s excitement about his cup having Japanese writing on it.   I had specifically picked out that cup for H.  …  and I had specifically left the sticker on the cup with all the Japanese writing, because I knew he would really like it!    

In the same way, God specifically gives each of us daily blessings which he knows we specifically will enjoy!   God delights in hearing our joy over his blessings to us!  

Also yesterday afternoon, I had the incredible gift of sitting high up on top of a mountain ridge, gazing out across the vast expanse stretching towards the Puget Sound and Olympic Mountains  …  and singing songs of praise and worship to God with friends.   I have never before sung songs of praise and worship to God up on the top of a mountain ridge.   What an amazingly cool gift!  

God was delighted in how much we all enjoyed this gift of singing praises to him in his beautiful creation!    God was delighted to hear our voices raised in praise as a gift back to him.   Just like I was delighted to receive H’s masterful drawing of the Charge of the Cavalry in the Battle of Gettysburg. 

God loves to hear from us!    

*   God loves to hear our thanks!   God loves to hear our praise!  

*   God loves to hear what we are thinking!  

*   God loves to hear about our everyday life and what is going on.  

*   God loves the “drawings” and “gifts” we make to give to him.  

Our prayers and “gifts” to God are just like my special letters spread out all across my kitchen counter!

God delights in getting “mail” from us!