It’s OK

It’s OK

It’s ok to be weary.
It’s ok to be weak.
It’s ok to be silent
if you have no words to speak.

It’s ok for your tattered,
wounded heart to bleed.
It’s ok to let go,
and let yourself grieve.

It’s ok to let the tears
freely run down.
It’s ok if you don’t really
want anyone around.

It’s ok to be empty,
with nothing left to give.
It’s ok to struggle
through each new day you live.

It’s ok … Jesus has got you …
He’s holding you tight.
He’s right there with you
through those long hard nights.

Pour your heart out to Jesus …
let your tears be your prayer.
You are not alone …
your Jesus is right there!

Hold on to Jesus.
Hold tight and don’t let go.
Jesus will carry you
through this valley oh so low.

By: Amy Hayes