Is Your Fruit Fuzzy??

Is Your Fruit Fuzzy??

I came across this leftover slice of tomato in the fridge.  Originally it was meant for a hamburger, but it sat forgotten in the fridge for two weeks.  Now it is growing white fuzz!


Fruits/vegetables are meant to be consumed. 
Their entire purpose is to be eaten … so that they may nourish and sustain life.

If we let them sit … they will grow fuzz!

Do we think of the Fruit of the Spirit in the same way?   The Fruit of the Spirit is meant to be consumed … to nourish and sustain life … NOT to simply sit around and look attractive. 

*   The Love which God produces in our lives is meant to nourish our own souls … AND it’s also meant to be given away to provide life and nourishment for others!

*   The Peace which God produces in our lives is meant to keep us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy and strong … AND it’s meant to bring emotional health and life to every situation we are part of.

*   The Patience which God produces in our lives … the Joy God gives us … God’s Kindness in and through us … the entire purpose of this “fruit” is to be consumed, to be given away, to be used up!

*   The Goodness of God … His Gentleness flowing through our lives to others … is to bring mental and emotional wellness.

*   Faithfulness … being able to the counted on … will bring the flourishing of life to those we interact with.

*   Just as fruits/vegetables are full of antioxidants to prevent free-radical damage … so also Self-Control does the same thing mentally, emotionally, spiritually!

In Isaiah 1:13-14 God says: 
“Stop bringing meaningless offerings!  Your incense is detestable to me.  New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations – I cannot bear your evil assemblies.  Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates.  They have become a burden to Me;  I am weary of bearing them.”

In Amos 5:21-23 God says:
“I hate, I despise your religious feasts;  I cannot stand your assemblies.  Even though you bring Me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them.  Away with the noise of your songs!  I will not listen to the music of your harps.”

It seems “in vogue” to bring our Fruit of the Spirit to church each Sunday to show off … as if we are trying to win some sort of prize at the fair for the best fruit.

But in reality … that fruit is covered with white fuzz!   It’s nasty!!

The fruit of righteousness which God produces in our lives is meant to be consumed … to bring life and nourishment to the world around us!

So what about you??  What is your fruit like??