Insect-Repellent Rain-jacket

Insect-Repellent Rain-jacket

Each evening after dinner hubby and I have been going outside to split logs … just about the time all the mosquitoes are out and about searching for their evening dinner. 

We have insect repellent … two different kinds:  Picaridin lotion, and Deep Woods OFF! spray. 

But who wants to get goopy just a few hours before going to bed?   Not me. 

So, I don my own unique form of “insect repellent” … my lightweight rain jacket. 

Keep in mind, it’s 89 degrees outside.  Fully covered from head to toe (garden-gloves, socks, shoes, jeans, rain jacket, and hood pulled up!) I head outside to help hubby split logs. 

The mosquitoes hover and swarm … not quite sure what to think about the rain jacket.  So, they get all up in my face!  Mosquitoes have a way of driving a person crazy! 

When it comes to relationships, we each have our own pesky annoyances which drive other people crazy! 

It’s so tempting to want to react … to “slap” and “swat” at those annoying things in someone else which drive us crazy!   But if we truly care for that person with whom we are in relationship, we will “cover over” those annoyances. 

Just as my insect-repellent rain jacket covers me and protects me from the painful red welts of being eaten by mosquitoes, so also grace can cover and protect a relationship from painful conflict, which ultimately will “eat away” at the relationship. 

Proverbs 19:11 – “A man’s wisdom give him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.” 

Proverbs 17:9 – “He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.” 

Proverbs 12:16 – “A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.” 

Cover over offenses.