I’m a “Fifth Order Light”

I’m a “Fifth Order Light”

I have been reading an interesting book recently entitled:  “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Wife” by Connie Scovill Small. 

The first station where Connie’s husband, Elson, served was Channel Light … situated in the channel separating Lubec, Maine from Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada.  According to Connie’s description, “Channel Light was a fifth order light, one of the least powerful lights, with a first order light being the most powerful.”  

As I read this description, my immediate “blink” reaction was –  “I’m a fifth order light … fifth order lights aren’t as important as first order lights.” 

Curious … that that was my immediate “blink” reaction. 

Just because a fifth order light is not as powerful as a first order light does not mean that it is any less important.  The fifth order light would not have been built otherwise.  The fact that the fifth order light was built is the very proof of how important its role was. 

Do you ever find yourself having “blink” reactions like this? 

Thoughts such as:  “I don’t have _________ like everyone else, so I’m not as important.”     

This is silly.    

Obviously God has a vitally important job for each one of us! … right where He has placed us!  And He has made each one of us exactly as He wants us to be, for the exact job He has for us.    To think that we are not as good as someone else, who is placed somewhere else, tasked by God to do something different … that’s silly. 

Every light matters!