If you scratch it, it will itch worse!

If you scratch it, it will itch worse!

You know those annoying tiny flying specks that you slap, and swat, and squash … here’s what they look like close-up.

Horrible little creatures … but wow!  … just look at God’s creative design!

No one even sees it.  Such a complex design and detailed patterning … all obliterated in an instant … with a maddening smack!!

Then … the following day, the itching starts.

You didn’t even know you’d been bitten … until ever so slowly you start to realize that a particular spot really itches! 

Running through your head you hear your common sense telling you:  “If you scratch it, it will itch worse.”

But it is SO hard not to scratch it!!

This world that we are living in is filled with ideologies buzzing all around us, intentionally designed to elicit a maddening response!  Just like the tiny flying mosquito specks, these buzzing ideologies are intricately complex, with detailed design. 

We aren’t even aware of them … until ever so slowly we start to realize that a particular “issue” or “cause” is really starting to “itch”!

We want to “scratch” it!! 
It itches so much!! 

In our heads we hear our common sense telling us:  “If you scratch it, it will itch worse.”  But we just can’t help but scratch it!!  It feels so good to scratch it.

Alas, no matter how much we scratch, it doesn’t ever relieve the itch.  It only makes things worse.  And in the end, it takes far longer to reach a place of healing and peace.