I will not be afraid.

I will not be afraid.

I never cease to be amazed by God’s protection and care for what He has made.   

For example  …  slugs.    I don’t even like slugs.    Or should I say, I have never before liked slugs.   I’m slowly changing my perception of them.  

I head out each day for my 1 hr. of exercise walking loops around my front drive.    Most days there are almost always a couple of slugs here and there along the path.    I try to pay close attention so as not to step on them each time I come around for another loop.

There are varying shades of color along my walking loop  …  there is the grey of the gravel, intermingled with the brownish-orange of the fallen cedar pieces, intermingled with tufts of green grassy weeds growing up through the gravel, then traversing across the brick pavers in front of my house, etc.  

Here you can see a little slug crossing the brick pavers in front of my house.    I saw it begin its journey across, and made a mental note to look for it each time I came through (so as not to accidentally step on it).    But honestly  …  it blended in so well I couldn’t even find it most times I came to that spot.   

It was just here!    I know it couldn’t have gone far!    Where is it?!  

On more than one occasion I completely stopped my walk to pause for a moment, searching for the little camouflaged slug  …  which I knew was right there  …  in the open  …  in plain sight.  

Oh …  there it is.    And on I went with my walk.  

God’s care over his creation amazes me!    This little slug was doing what God had made it to do (whatever that is)  …  and God was protecting it.    In doing what God had made it to do, it was vulnerable, right there in the open … in plain sight.    Yet I couldn’t even see it as I came walking past. 

Here is another little slug that I had a very hard time spotting each time I came around on my loops.     Once again, I knew it was right here!   

Where is it?!    It couldn’t have gone far in the 1-2 minutes since I last passed through.   

I wound up placing several large fallen leaves in a circle around it, so that I could be sure to spot it each time I came through, so as not to step on it.    Eventually, it inched its way out of the protective leaf-circle and on over to the bushes.   Once again  …  God’s protective care over His creation amazes me!   

Once again, this little slut was doing exactly what God had made it to do.    And in doing so, it was right there in the open  …  in plain sight.    Yet, at the same time  …  “hidden” and “invisible.”  

If God cares that much about tiny little slugs, then I know for sure God cares even more about me!    If God protects little slugs and makes them “invisible” and “hidden”  …  then for sure I know that God is protecting me!  

The world around us is a mess!    Nation is going to war against nation!    There is a lot to be fearful of!  

But you can be sure of this:  God cares about you!    YOU.    God cares about you.  

And God has His hand of protection on you.  

Keep doing what God has called you to do.    God is with you!    God will take care of you!  

“The LORD is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?  The LORD is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?    When evil men advance  …  though an army besiege, my heart will not fear;  though war break out, even then I will be confident.”    – Psalm 27:1-3   

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the depths of the sea.”     – Psalm 46:1-2   

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.   Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”    – Psalm 34:7-8