I spy two deer

I spy two deer

I spy two deer. Can you see them?

Perhaps you couldn’t spot them. They’re camouflaged really well! Here’s a zoom-in shot. Can you see them now?

Thank you God for daily blessings which surprise us with joy and delight! … when we’re just going to get the mail on a normal ordinary day.

I spy an itty-bitty baby bunny! Can you see it?

Hubby and I had stopped by our son’s house to drop off several things, and hubby was going to help our son replace his garage door opener. As we were standing around chatting, there in the back yard was this adorable baby bunny! I was smitten!! I’ve never seen an itty-bitty baby bunny before! It was about the size of a hamster.

I was totally checked-out of the conversation (though I was still listening) as I stealthily inched closer and closer for a better photo.

TaDa! A close-up. Is it not the most adorable little baby bunny ever!

Thank you God for daily blessings! … that surprise us with joy and delight! … on normal ordinary days!

God you are so amazing! God, the wonderful creatures you have made are so beautiful! Thank you God for your love and care for all that you have made! Thank you God for your love and care for me!