“I love you” post-it notes from God!

“I love you” post-it notes from God!

I was walking loops for exercise around my front drive when my attention was caught by this heart-shaped Cascara leaf.    “It’s an ‘I love you’ post-it note from God” was my immediate blink reaction!  

I knew that my loving God had intentionally, specifically placed this leaf-heart there just for me … to tell me that He loves me!   I was filled with gratitude … as I thanked my loving God for His ‘post-it note’!

All around us God is speaking!    Every day God is telling us how much He loves us! 

I was driving up to my daughter’s place last week when the sky came alive with the majesty and glory of God!    I took this photo of the sunrise through my side-rear-view mirror as I was stopped at a traffic light.  

God was practically yelling at my entire city  …  telling everyone that He is here!    He is great and wonderful!    And He loves them!  

Hubby’s coworkers couldn’t stop talking that morning about the amazing sunrise they had seen on their way in to work.  

God was speaking!    God was proclaiming loudly to my entire city how much He loves everyone!    Not a ‘post-it note’ of “I love you”  …  but rather, a blazing billboard proclaiming:  “I love you!”  

This past Thanksgiving weekend, my family enjoyed a delightful drive to see stunning waterfalls.    The day was bright and sunny  …  and hordes of people were also out enjoying the beautiful day and breathtaking waterfalls.  

As we stopped at the very first waterfall, my eye was caught by this leaf-heart lying on the ground.    “It’s another ‘I love you’ post-it note from God!” was my blink reaction.  

The waterfalls were majestic!    They fell hundreds of feet in shimmering white ribbons over sheer rock cliff faces, which were covered in bright-green moss.    Each waterfall was uniquely stunning with its own character and beauty!  

God was speaking!    God’s glory was on display  …  letting everyone know that He is here!    And He is great and wonderful!    And He loves us!

The hordes of people crowded and bustled!    The road was lined with cars  …  everyone backed up and vying for a parking spot!    The viewpoints at the falls were choked with crowds  …  everyone jostling to get their “perfect” photo.  

The hordes of people were responding to the glory and grandeur of God’s beauty!    Instinctively they were drawn (as if magnetically) to the beauty of God’s creation!    They might not have known God personally  …  but God was speaking to them!    God was telling them how wonderful and loving He is! 

My family stopped at a panoramic viewpoint.    Stretching far into the distance was a great wide scene of spectacular beauty.    Not a ‘post-it note’ of “I love you” from God  …  but rather a gigantic billboard of “I love you!” proclaimed loudly to everyone!  

God is speaking!    God is telling everyone everywhere that He is here!    He is great and wonderful!    And He loves us!  

For me, personally, I am drawn to the little ‘post-it notes’ of “I love you!” from God.    God’s “I love you!” post-it notes to me are very special!    Because they are just for me!    My God loves me very much and His ‘post-it notes’ let me know that He is here!  …  He is right here with me!    He is taking care of me!    And He loves me!  

Of course I love the billboard announcements to the masses  …  but I feel extra special when God sends me a little “I love you!” post-it note!  

What about you?    How has God told youI love you!” recently?