How can I have the Fruit of the Spirit?

How can I have the Fruit of the Spirit?

What is the Fruit of the Spirit??

The Fruit of the Spirit is evident, obvious results (aka “fruit”) of the supernatural, powerful work of the Holy Spirit in someone’s life!

You might be wondering: “How can I have the Fruit of the Spirit?? I want supernatural power in my life!”

The Fruit of the Spirit begins first and foremost with love God’s love!  

God has great LOVE for us!   God loved us so much that He sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for our sin … so that we would not be separated forever from Him … but might have a restored relationship with Him! God loves us so much He wants to have a relationship with us! Incredible!

We simply need to believe. Believe that God loves you! Believe that God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for everything you’ve ever done wrong. Believe that Jesus took away all your sin! … and that now you can have a personal, close relationship with God!

God loves you! And as you accept God’s gift of love (His forgiveness of your sin, and a relationship with Him!) … God will give you His very own love!

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God will give you the capacity to love with His very own love. It’s incredible! It’s supernatural! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God will cause His very own love to flow through youto others. Incredible!

Through the power of the Holy spirit, God will give you joy!

Joy … as you get to know who God is. God is amazing! He is powerful! … He is majestic! … He is creative beyond comprehension! … He is caring! … and gentle! … and kind! … He is faithful! … He is patient! … He is forgiving! … He is so much more than we could ever imagine!

God loves you so much that He allows you to get to know Him in a close personal way! God invites and welcomes you to have a close personal relationship with Him! Incredible!

As your relationship with God grows and deepens, you will find that you are filled with an unexplainable, supernatural joy! It’s incredible!

A joy which is experienced through knowing God! It is a profound, deep joy! … no matter what life’s circumstances are … because we know Him … and are safe and secure in Him!

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God covers and protects our hearts with His supernatural peace!

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God gives us the supernatural ability to have patiencepatience amid the chaos, flames, and smoke being poured out by everyone all around us!

The Fruit of the Spirit ( LoveJoyPeacePatience ) is all and completely the work of God! … through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Fruit of the Spirit is God’s gift to us … to empower us and to enable us to live our lives for His glory!

And it all starts with love!

God’s love, flowing through our hearts to others … allowing us to be humble and gentle with each other.

God’s love, flowing through our hearts to others … allowing us to bear with each other.

God’s love, flowing through our hearts to others … giving us wisdom to know how to respond.

God’s love, flowing through our hearts to others … allowing us to speak words of life to each other.

  • Love is patient.”   – 1 Corinthians 13:4
  • “A gentle answer turns away wrath.”   – Proverbs 15:1a
  • “A patient person has great understanding …”  – Proverbs 14:29a
  • “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life.”   – Proverbs 15:4a
  • “A heart at peace gives life to the body…” – Proverbs 14:30a

It is only through God’s love that the Fruit of the Spirit can be given.

Have you received God’s love?

Is there any evidence of God’s supernatural power and love flowing through your life?