How can I have supernatural power?

How can I have supernatural power?

Our world is a stormy, chaotic mess! Mental storms! Emotional storms! Relational storms! Political storms! Economic storms!

But you don’t have to be dragged under by the cold waves of mental illness … and deep waters of anxiety and depression! Jesus offers supernatural power which can pull you up out of dark places and bring you to a place of peace!

We don’t have to be tossed helplessly about on the churning white-foam of emotional storms! … and relational storms! Jesus can give us emotional peace! Jesus can bring peace to our relationships!

Even in the raging turbulence of economic storms … Jesus can be our firm foundation of peace!

How?? Because Jesus is God! … Jesus is Peace … and the peace which Jesus gives to us is supernatural!

So practically speaking … How?? How do I get this supernatural peace??

Believe that Jesus Christ is God … and that Jesus died to conquer Satan, sin, death, and hell (all the things that are causing the stormy mess in life!). Jesus conquered the storm! Jesus gave His very life to provide a rescue from the storm!

Believe in Jesus … and accept His offer of escape and rescue from sin.

When we believe in Jesus, repent of our sin, and accept His offer of rescue from sin … Jesus makes us new! Jesus gives us His life!

Jesus gives us His peace! Jesus gives us His presence … to be with us, always!

Jesus gives us His righteousness … so that we can rise above the waves of sin and live in freedom!

Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit … as a comforter and a helper! … to guide and direct us!

Jesus gives us His very own instructions … the Bible … to guide and direct us!

The verse on our background photo today states: “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way.”  -2 Thessalonians 3:16

Practically speaking … How?? How does Jesus give us supernatural peace at all times and in every way??

Both by the Holy Spirit … and by the Word of God (the Bible).

As we read the Word of God, we will receive wisdom and instruction which will guide and direct us in ways of peace. Here are a couple of examples of this:

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”   -Ephesians 4:31

“Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.”    -Proverbs 10:12

You might be thinking … How am I supposed to do this?? How am I supposed to get rid of bitterness and anger?? How am I supposed to forgive?? How am I supposed to be kind and compassionate to others?? I don’t know how to do that.

How am I supposed to love, even in the face of being treated bad?? I can’t do that.

No … on your own, you can’t do that. You need supernatural power to do that!

That is why Jesus has given you the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has the power to help you do all of that! You cannot do this on your own. It is only by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit will give you supernatural power to get rid of bitterness.
The Holy Spirit will give you supernatural power to get rid of anger.
The Holy Spirit will give you supernatural power to overcome depression.
The Holy Spirit will give you supernatural power to forgive.

The Holy Spirit will give you supernatural power to be kind … even in the face of hatefulness.
The Holy Spirit will give you supernatural power to be compassionate … even to mean people.
The Holy Spirit will give you supernatural power to love … even in the face of being treated bad.

This supernatural power is for you! Jesus offers this supernatural power for you!

To access this supernatural power … believe in Jesus! Give your life to Jesus! Follow Jesus!

Jesus offers supernatural peace for you! It is freely available as you read the Word of God … as you obey the Word of God … and as you let the Holy Spirit fill you and guide you with His supernatural power.

The Word of God will produce the supernatural Fruit of the Spiritpeace!