How can I have peace when my life is falling apart?

How can I have peace when my life is falling apart?

The lighthouse in today’s background photo looks weary!   Isn’t this how we are all feeling nowadays?  We are weary, beaten down, exhausted, discouraged!

How come everything is so hard?!?

How come life is falling apart?!?

How come everything going on in the world is so bad?!?

It seems as if life is nothing but a relentless stormy bombardment of disaster and bad news!

Ephesians 2:2 describes Satan as:  “the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.”

Satan, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, is at work in our world! … stirring up conflict, confusion, hate, anger, fighting, bitterness, rage, slander, etc… Mental storms! Emotional storms! Relational storms! Political storms! Economic storms!

We long for peace. How can we have peace when the world is a mess! … and life is falling apart?!?

The very name of Jesus Christ is “Prince of Peace.”  

One day Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will crush Satan! … and bring to an end Satan’s work of stirring up storms of disaster, evil, and pain in the world.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will bring forever-lasting peace to the world.

But … until then, how can I survive right now?? How can I have peace right here … where I am … in the chaotic mess of my everyday life?? … in this world where everything seems to be falling apart?!?

Look to Jesus! Call out to Jesus! Jesus can give you peace … right here … right now … right where you are at … in the middle of the mess!

Jesus is Peace … and Jesus alone is the one who can give you peace to withstand and endure the storm.