How can I have peace?

How can I have peace?

Our world is a stormy mess! Mental storms! Emotional storms! Relational storms! Political storms! Economic storms!

Mental health is a stormy mess!

Emotional health is a stormy mess!

Relationships are splintered and broken! Anger … disappointment … betrayal … hurt … pain … abandonment … lack of trust … etc…

Across the world political storms rage!

Economic storms are wreaking havoc! … with continual rising costs … and job loss.

Storms!! Our world is a stormy mess!

How can we have peace in this stormy mess?!? … when we are being tossed about in the waves! … and in grave danger of being dashed to pieces on the rocks!?!

The background photo for this blog post is a lighthouse. The entire purpose of this lighthouse was to warn of danger … and to recuse those out in the storm!

The lightkeepers of the lighthouse would risk their very lives to row out in the storm to rescue those lost at sea.

This was the job of the lightkeepers! This was the job of the lighthouse! To shine a light of hope in the storm. To show the way to peace and safety! To rescue those dashed on the rocks, out in the storm!

This is what Jesus did! Just like the lightkeepers risked their very lives to row out into the dark, cold, churning waves to rescue those lost in the storm, so also Jesus left Heaven to come down into our dark, chaotic, stormy world to rescue us!

Jesus gave His very life to rescue us! Jesus died … so that we might live!

Jesus suffered death … so that we could be saved!

Jesus conquered sin … Jesus defeated death and hell!
Jesus conquered the storm!

And Jesus is reaching out a hand of rescue to you! Jesus offers salvation from the storm!

Are you drowning in the cold, churning waves of a mental storm? Are the dark waters pulling you under? Jesus is reaching out a hand to rescue you! Jesus Himself is peace … and Jesus can bring you to a place of peace and safety!

Are you being tossed about on the waves of emotional and relational storms? Do you feel as if you are about to crack and splinter apart? Jesus is reaching out a hand to rescue you! Jesus is peace! Jesus can bring emotional peace! Jesus can bring relational peace!

In the middle of the storm … Jesus can give you peace!

Are you being battered by the relentless waves of economic storm? Jesus is reaching out a hand of rescue! Jesus Himself can be your solid stable ground … in the middle of the storm. Jesus is peace! Jesus can bring you peace … in the middle of the storm!

Peace is not something we can get for ourselves. We cannot find peace by purchasing things. We cannot find peace by traveling to certain places. We cannot find peace by reading certain books or blogs. We cannot find peace by doing anything.

Peace is supernatural. Peace can only come from God.

Jesus is Peace. Peace can only be found in Jesus Christ!

If you feel like you are drowning in the storms of life, call out to Jesus! Jesus is the lighthouse … pointing the way to safety and peace!

Jesus is the rescue … rowing out into the storm to pull you out of the dark waters and bring you to a place of peace and safety!

Jesus is peace … and Jesus will freely give peace to all who trust in Him!