Here for a moment … and then gone

Here for a moment … and then gone

It’s mushroom season!    How exciting!    I came across these mushrooms 3 days ago.    I was delighted!


Today, just a few days later, I was out by the garden, and I noticed that these mushrooms are gone!    Totally and completely gone! Dissolved away to nothing. You would have no idea that they had ever been there in the first place!   


I wondered what their role was and what they accomplished.  

Then I couldn’t help but think how much like life that is.    Our life is just a brief blip in time.    In truth, we’re not that much different than these mushrooms.  

We are only here for a short time.    And in that short time God has a purpose for us.    I might not know what the purpose of these mushrooms is, but God created them on purpose  …  for a purpose.  

So too, God created you on purpose  …  for a purpose.    Your life matters!    God has a purpose for you! 

God created these mushrooms with a job to do.    My guess is that their job has something to do with breaking down matter.   

So too, God created you with a job to do.    Your life matters!    God has a job for you to do!    A task for you to accomplish!  

These mushrooms accomplished their task and they are now gone.    So too, in the same way, when God’s purpose for us has reached its completion, our time on this earth will end.   

This past weekend hubby and I attended the memorial service for our dear friend Lloyd.    Lloyd lived to be 99 years old!    I’m sure Lloyd must have wondered what purpose God had for him, as his wife and many of his dearest friends were called home to be with Jesus before him.  

I know what one purpose was  …  it was so that my daughter could get to know him  …  so that hubby and I, in turn, could get to know him!    So that all our lives could be forever enriched and deepened by our friendship with him!  

God’s purpose for our life is complex and varied  …  and we will never truly know the depth and complexity of the purpose for which God created us.   

But we can rest assured in the fact that when God says that our time on this earth is done  …  then that means His purpose for us on the earth is completed.    Our life accomplished what it was put here on this earth to accomplish.