Here but a moment … then gone …

Here but a moment … then gone …

I wanted to give you an update on the “Shaggy ink cap” mushrooms my son discovered in his yard last week. 

This photo was taken on Wednesday.  

This photo was taken 2 days later  …  on Friday.  

And this photo was taken the very next day  …  on Saturday.  

Here but a moment  …  then gone!  

This is what our life is like!    Our life is brief!    God has given us time on this planet  …  time to live,  and breathe,  and love,  and develop relationships with others.  

God has a purpose for the time He gives us on this planet.  

God expects us to be wise and to use well the time He has given us on this planet.  

What are you doing with the time God has given you??