Help has come!

Help has come!

This right here is what Christmas is all about!    Help has come!  

As I sat on the side of the freeway Christmas morning, at the scene of a crash, it felt like an eternity waiting for the cop to show up!  

But help was on the way!  

A truck in front of us and to the left had hydroplaned, losing control and was flung at high-speed across all three lanes of the freeway to the right  …  where it bounced off the concrete barrier, was spun in a 360-degree circle … with the momentum then carrying it back across all three lanes of the freeway  …  where it crashed head-first into the concrete median divider!  

This right here is a very accurate picture of what life is like for all of humanity!  

Each of us are traveling down “life’s highway” minding our own business and doing our own thing  …  when suddenly, without any warning, we find ourselves losing all control! … and flung across all three lanes of the freeway!   

Perhaps it’s a diagnosis by a doctor which throws our life into turmoil!  

Perhaps it’s a bad decision, or perhaps a whole series of compounding bad decisions, we have made which results in long-lasting damaging consequences!  

Or perhaps it’s something which someone else has done to us, which leaves us devastated, wrecked, and broken! 

Whatever it is, we find our lives being flung out of control and spun in a 360-degree circle!  

We skid and spin and crash head-first into the concrete median divider!   While meanwhile, everyone else continues to speed down “life’s highway” …  narrowly missing our “crashed life” which is now stranded,  and vulnerable,  and helpless.  

We need help!!  

The occupants of the crashed truck needed help!    They had just been spun in a 360-degree circle  …  they were disoriented!    They were confused!    They had no idea what direction they were even facing! 

They were now in great peril  …  as the back half of their truck now blocked the fast-lane of the freeway!  

They needed to exit the vehicle and move to safety.    But they were shaken!    They were unable to move  …  and unable to think clearly!  

Additionally, their sight was now blocked!    All the airbags had deployed  …  both the front airbags and the side curtain airbags.    They had no way to see clearly in order to know if it was even safe to open the door and step out of the vehicle.    What if they opened the door and stepped out into an active lane of the freeway?!?    They couldn’t see.    They needed help!  

This right here is what all of humanity is like!  

Sin has cursed all life on this planet.    Sin has spun us all out of control!    Sin has “crashed” each of our lives.    We are just like the people in the truck.    We are confused!    We are in great peril!    We are shaken!    We are unable to see or think clearly!  

We each need help!    Every single one of us!  

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  – Romans 3:23  

As soon as the truck crashed, hubby pulled our car over on the left-shoulder of the freeway.    Immediately hubby hopped out and ran back to the truck!    Immediately our daughter was on the phone with 911!    Help was dispatched!    Help was on the way!  

Several other cars stopped to help as well.    None of us had to stop.    We each were traveling on Christmas Day to celebrate Christmas with loved ones.    We each could have continued on our merry way, without any inconvenience.  

This right here is a picture of what Christmas is all about!  

All of humanity is “crashed into the median” because of sin!    All of humanity is helpless, vulnerable, and in the grip of death!    And Help came!    Jesus came!  

Jesus didn’t have to come from Heaven down to Earth to help!    But Jesus came!    He came because He loved us!    Jesus loved every single one of us!  

Hubby didn’t have to run into great danger to help the people in the crashed truck.    The older gentleman (who pulled over on the right shoulder) didn’t have to run across all three lanes of the freeway, at great peril to his life, to help.    But they did  …  because they cared so much about the people in the truck! 

This is what Jesus did!  

Jesus came from Heaven to earth.    Jesus left comfort and safety  …  to run directly into the face of death in order to rescue us!    This is what Christmas is all about!    Jesus came!    Help came!  

After what felt like an eternity  (probably about 10 minutes or so) …  we finally heard the approaching siren of the cop car.    Oh the relief that flooded over all of us!!     Help was here!   Help had come!!   Oh the relief!!   This right here is what Christmas is all about!    Help had come!  

And just like hubby and me and our daughter and the people from the truck heard the beautiful sound of the cop car approaching, so also the shepherds out in the field heard the beautiful announcement from the angels that Help had arrived!    Jesus was here!    Help had come!  

This is what Christmas is all about!  

Help had come!  

Jesus came from Heaven to Earth to rescue us from our sin!    Jesus had come to heal us!    Jesus had come to rescue us!    Help was here!   

Thank you Jesus for coming!!    We are so thankful!!