

Out of nothing at all –
from a dark empty void –
God created the Earth,
full of colors and noise.

He made rainbows of dew drops
to sparkle and shine;
cascading waterfalls
that thunder in time.

He made verdant green forests;
the smell of fresh air;
the song of the wind;
wildflowers fair.

The gentle stillness
of new fallen snow;
the kaleidoscope display
of Northern Lights aglow.

He made snowcapped mountains;
canyons so deep;
the patter of rain;
the song of a creek.

Tropical islands
in azure blue seas;
bright, fiery colors
of crisp autumn leaves.

He made colorful birds
to fill the skies
and sing out their songs
as they ride the breeze high.

He made rainbows of fish
in bright coral reefs;
and whales that sing out
in the paths of the deep.

His beautiful Earth
He gave a special place –
surrounded by planets
and stars out in space.

He made galaxies in motion;
colored spirals of light,
to dance all around
as they light up the night.

He made mankind –
individual and unique,
with a creative personality
and a mind to think.

All creation existed
in perfect harmony.
All creation praised God
as it was meant to be.

Then, sin entered the world
when mankind disobeyed.
Creation was cursed. 
A price must be paid.

Paradise was lost. 
All Creation now groans
for redemption – the buy-back
of what was formerly owned.   

From before time began
God had a plan
to redeem His Creation
and restore fallen man.

Jesus took on Himself
the curse in our place,
satisfying God’s wrath
for the whole human race.

Christ’s resurrection
defeated sin and the curse.
He reconciled to Himself
all things on the earth.  

Through His blood there is peace. 
Creation will be restored.
Mankind can have fellowship
with God as before.

God has promised to make
all things new once again.
All Creation will be
as God originally planned.

God will dwell with mankind; 
Christ will rule and reign.
Heaven and Earth will be united
as one in the same.

As we look toward Heaven
we must realize
that Heaven is more
than puffy clouds in the skies.

Heaven is a place
that is sure and real,
with sight, sounds, and colors;
things to touch and feel.

It’s hard to imagine
all that Heaven will be.
But we can gain clues
from God’s work that we see.

This world that surrounds us
is but a taste
of the indescribable beauty
of God that awaits.

Right now all we see
is a simple, rough sketch –
A basic idea,
such as an artist might etch.

If God’s handiwork here,
is still under the curse,
just think how much more amazing
will be the New Earth!

There may be rainbows of dew drops;
cascading waterfalls;
maybe tropical islands;
maybe forests so tall.

Maybe snowcapped mountains;
maybe canyons so deep;
maybe galaxies in motion;
maybe songs of a creek.

Every breathtaking vista,
every wonderful smell,
every bold vibrant color,
every striking detail,

Every joy filled moment,
every sweet melody,
is but a whisper
of what Heaven will be.

God created mankind –
individual and unique,
with a creative personality
and a mind to think.

Relationships we have
with people we meet,
is but another glimpse
of what Heaven will be.

Like Christ, the Redeemed
will be glorified.
We’ll have a new body,
new heart, and new mind.

You will be you –
much the same as before,
but without the effects
of sin anymore.

No jealousy, no quarrels,
no conflict, no pain,
no need to worry
about extra pounds that you gain.

No injury, no sickness,
no fear, no disease,
no seasonal allergies,
no chronic fatigue.

We’ll have creative talents
and work that we do.
We’ll discover and learn
of God’s grace anew.

Family and friends
we’ll once again see.
We’ll spend time with saints
from throughout history.

We’ll gather together –
a heavenly throng,
to worship God
in glorious song.

Our multitude of languages
will all blend as one.
All Creation will bow
to worship the Son.      

We’ll live with Christ
for eternity,
worshipping Him
in complex diversity.

Our worship will encompass
all that we do.
This will be Heaven
and Earth anew.

Because we are looking
for Heaven anew,
we must press on and be diligent
in all that we do.

May we be found
without spot or blame;
and at peace with Him,
in Jesus’ name.

By Amy Hayes