He restores my soul.

He restores my soul.

The sermon series at our church this summer has been over Psalm 23.   

Each Sunday, as the congregation stands and our pastor reads Psalm 23 in its entirety, I close my eyes and recall the verse-art graphics I created for this Psalm.  

I have shared these Psalm 23 verse-art images twice on the blog.    I am very fond of them … the reason being because of the turmoil going on in my life last August when the photos were taken and when I created the verse-art graphics.    And on this side of things, it is mind-blowing the blessings and amazing beauty God ultimately brought out of that painful season.   

He restores my soul.   

Here I am  …  a year after I created the above verse-art image, and once again it is August.    I have to confess  …  my soul does not at all feel like that tranquil scene.     

But rather, my soul has been feeling a lot like this  …    

Lots of churn going on in the photo!  

Lots of “water over the falls”!  

And rising up  …  from this deep chasm of churn …  you see mist.  

And shining through that mist is  …  the brilliance of God’s beautiful sunshine! 

As you look at the photo take note that the beautiful rainbow is right here  …  right in front of me as I am taking the photo.    The rainbow isn’t way down the path where the people are walking up.    It is in the mist (which the wind is actively blowing my way)  …  the rainbow is directly in front of me  …  it is right where I am standing.  

God is here!   

Right here  …  in the churn!   

The wind of God’s Holy Spirit is blowing the “mist”  …  moving and working in supernatural ways that I can’t even see or fathom.  

The brilliant light of Jesus Christ is shining radiantly through the “mist” which the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing.  

God’s glory is on full display!  

God’s power is at work!  

And right here  …  God is restoring my soul!