Having Done All – I Stand

Having Done All – I Stand

How can one maintain a clear head
in the midst of battle cries? 
How can one have inner calmness,
when the fiery arrows fly? 

How is it that attacks come
when I feel so very small? 
Why such relentless bombardment? 
I’m not much of a threat at all. 

Why is it that the enemy’s
focus is on me? 
Why the rain of fiery arrows
so relentlessly? 

One thing is for certain –
Satan’s trying to take me out. 
I must be advancing God’s Kingdom …
if there was any doubt. 

Whatever I’m doing for Christ,
there must be much at stake, 
if the enemy is trying
so very hard my soul to break. 

I have my shield of faith
for these fiery arrows raining down. 
And right now all I can do
is simply stand my ground. 

I feel so stretched and strained. 
I feel like I might crack. 
But surprisingly there always
seems to be the strength I lack. 

God’s Sword of the Spirit,
He’s placed firmly in my hand. 
And as each new day dawns,
He gives new grace so I can stand. 

So having done all …
here I take my stand; 
Trusting my High Commander
to accomplish what He has planned.

Ephesians 6:13 – “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”