Hard times leave us “smoked” and “seasoned”

Hard times leave us “smoked” and “seasoned”

The salt pictured in today’s background photo was a gift from a friend … smoked, seasoned salt  (personally created in his Traeger smoker).

We all are a bit like these smoked, seasoned salts.   We all go through “fiery trials” over the course of our lives.   The hard times we go through leave us a bit “smoked” and “seasoned.”  

As we share our lives with others, we discover, oftentimes to our surprise, that the “smoked, seasoned” flavoring of our life is exactly what others need. 

The hard things we have been through enable us to help and encourage others as they go through similar trials. 

The difficulties we’ve endured have wound up being the perfect preparation for the ministry God calls us to.

Who has God placed in your life who could be blessed by the gift of your “smoked and seasoned salt”?

“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” -Colossians 4:6