Hanging on for dear life!

Hanging on for dear life!

I have never grown snow peas before.    It has been fascinating to watch the snow peas send out little “tether lines” … looking for something strong and sturdy to hang on to.  

You can see these “tether lines” in the background photo for today.  

The “tether lines” grab hold  …  and they hang on tight!  

The “tether lines” keep the snow peas from falling over in the dirt.    The “tether lines” serve as anchors, enabling the snow peas to grow upright  …  and ever upwards.  

The snow peas cannot produce peas if they do not have support up which to grow.    If the snow peas remain fallen over in the dirt  …  they will not produce any peas at all.    In fact, they will shrivel and die.  

Life tries to drag us down in the dirt.    Our coworkers dismantle any good we accomplish.    We are criticized.    We are slandered.    We are “back-stabbed”  …  and the good results of our hard work are stolen by others.   

We need a stronghold!    We need something to “anchor” to  …  to keep us upright  …  so that we can keep growing in Christ.    So that we can grow upwards, no matter the criticism.    So that we can grow upwards, no matter the dismantling.    So that we can grow upwards, no matter the “back-stabbing” and slandering and stealing.  

God wants us to be “fruitful”  …  for our lives to be hanging heavy with “snow peas” of kindness  …  and goodness  …  even in the face of it all!    “Snow peas” of peace  …  and joy  …  no matter the chaos swirling around us!    “Snow peas” of patience  …  and love  …  when it seems impossible!  

We can’t produce “snow peas” of kindness if we are wallowing in the dirt.  

We can’t produce “snow peas” of forgiveness if we are fallen over in the dirt.  

We can’t produce “snow peas” of patience if we are down in the dirt.  

We need a stronghold!    Jesus is our stronghold!    Jesus is our sure and steady support!   

As Jesus steadies us, we are able to grow upwards  …  and the Holy Spirit, in turn, can produce spiritual “snow peas” in our life!   

As we are anchored to Jesus, the Holy Spirit can produce “snow peas” of love in us and through us!    Love that is supernatural.    Love that makes no sense.    Love in the face of all the ick!    The love of Jesus Christ Himself!   

Anchored to Jesus, the Holy Spirit can produce “snow peas” of peace in us and through us.    The Holy Spirit can produce “snow peas” of joy.  

We are only able to grow upwards and produce spiritual fruit as we “hang on for dear life” to Jesus!  …  our stronghold!  

Jesus, my Savior and my God … is my stronghold!