Handle with Care

Handle with Care

Relationships need to be handled with care. 

People are like handmade pottery.  Each plate and bowl in our background photo was handmade individually by a potter.  In the same way, each person has been handmade individually by God. 

Isaiah 64:8 – “O LORD, You are our Father.  We are the clay, You are the potter;  we are all the work of Your hand.” 

Psalm 119:73 – “Your hands made me and formed me.”  

Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” 

In our background photo there are a variety of different pottery pieces – there are large plates, medium plates, large bowls, medium bowls, etc. …    In the same way, God has made each person uniquely different, for a uniquely different purpose … according to His plan for our life. 

When it comes to our relationships with each other … it’s like handling pottery.  Relationships need to be handled with care. 

If we give “cold shoulders” and slam shut our heart’s door to those with whom we are in relationship … that’s like dropping the pottery piece on the floor! 

If any little offense leaves our feelings hurt and sore … that’s like dropping the pottery piece on the floor! 

If the things which others love, we look down on and ignore … that’s like dropping the pottery piece on the floor! 

If we are so consumed with ourselves that we completely miss opportunities for building relationship … that’s like dropping the pottery piece on the floor! 

If we view others’ joys and excitements as an insignificant bore … that’s like dropping the pottery piece on the floor! 

If sacrificing for others is, for us, a dreadful chore … that’s like dropping the pottery piece on the floor! 

Relationships need to be handled with care!