Grocery store joys!

Grocery store joys!

I headed to the grocery store yesterday to pick up some frosted sugar cookies for our forestry class Halloween party.    Lo and behold  …  I wound up coming home with all these delightful snacks as well!  (snacks, by the way, which leave your mouth on fire!)  

I stood at the kitchen counter feasting on fiery spiciness  …  when I was supposed to be walking loops for exercise around my front drive.   Ha!  

It’s November  …  and time to be grateful!    One of the things I am so grateful for about where I live is the diversity of cultures all mixed together.    I love going to the grocery store and having spicy snacks like these for sale on the end-caps of the aisles.  

Hubby goes to potlucks at work and everything on the table is authentic homemade Indian or Asian dishes.    Hubby’s storebought frosted sugar cookies are the only American item on the table. 

No matter where I go around town, there is almost always a language being spoken which I do not know.    In fact, I was at the mall last Saturday, and the dressing-room attendants were having the grandest conversation in an Eastern European language (Ukrainian? … I wasn’t sure?) 

I love living in a place where there are so many different nationalities, and languages, and cultures  …  all mixed together into one as we all interact and live together.    I love it because this is what Heaven is going to be like!    People from all nations, and languages, and cultures!    We’re all going to be in Heaven together  …  worshiping and praising Jesus together!    It’s going to be awesome!  

Ok  …  back to grocery store joys  … 

The funny thing about going to the grocery store on Halloween is that Raggedy Ann came walking through the bakery department as I was picking up my frosted sugar cookies.    I noticed Minnie Mouse over on the pasta aisle, selecting some pasta.    And a Fairy was shopping for pickles.    Hilarious I tell you!  

And of course I was a tree  …  wearing my cacao earrings.    Because, of course, I’m a cacao tree!   (Yay for chocolate!  Haha!)  

I exited the grocery store, and the accordion busker was off to the side of the parking lot playing his beautiful music.    He and his wife rotate between different shopping centers around town.    Sometimes they are in our grocery store parking lot.    Sometimes they are in the grocery store parking lot up near where my son lives.  

The accordion busker is very talented!    He plays to a soundtrack recording, and has nice big speakers set up so everyone can hear!    His music is so beautiful!    And cheerful!    I can’t help but smile!    Hearing his beautiful accordion music as I walked to my car made me happy!   

Thank you God for grocery store joys!  

What joys has God sprinkled in your life today?