Gratitude: Thankful for the flicker

Gratitude:  Thankful for the flicker

Have you ever had one of those days where you got up in the morning and you just didn’t know how you were going to make it through the day?  That was me this past week.  So many of our dear friends are going through deep valleys and hard times.  My heart was so burdened and heavy. 

As I stood on the front porch and watched hubby’s headlights back out in the cold darkness to head off to work, the verse popped into my mind:  “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  (- Psalm 118:24)   All I could say was:  Yes, Lord.  And:  God please help us!! 

I came back inside and there on the kitchen counter my little candle had barely a flicker of a flame.  You can see it in today’s background photo.  It was such an accurate representation of all my precious friends … barely a flicker … but burning anyway! 

God has promised to give us strength, and to be our strength.  (Psalm 28:7;  Psalm 29:11;  Isaiah 49:5)  

I want to think of God’s strength being like the blazing flame of an Olympic torch, carried high by a strong athletic runner.  And when I am weary and overwhelmed and exhausted, that is the kind of strength I would like God to give me. 

But more often than not, the strength which God gives is just the ability for our little flicker of a flame not to go out.  Just a flicker.  The flame is still lit.  It’s not gone out. 

Just a tiny glow of light.  Just a hint of Christmassy scent from the “Christmas Tree” candle. 

This is my dear friends who are persevering in their difficult journeys.  Their flame is just a flicker … but it’s not gone out.  The glow of Jesus is still shining through their lives!  The fragrance of Jesus is still scenting the atmosphere around them.  Their light for Jesus is still shining! 

Keep shining for Jesus!  No matter what!  Even if all you have is a little flicker. 

Psalm 121:8 – “The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”