Gratitude Challenge: What is your favorite place and why?

Gratitude Challenge:  What is your favorite place and why?

The weather is now consistently in the 30’s …  it’s sweater-weather. 

We’ve all had one of “those” sweaters which as soon as it goes through the wash it’s never the same again!  It comes out of the washer a tangled-up mess … all twisted out of shape. 

When washing sweaters, the rule of thumb is to lay them flat to dry.  If need be, reshape … then lay flat to dry. 

Facing life each day feels a lot like this!  Just like sweaters come out of the washer a tangled-up mess and all twisted out of shape, that’s about how we feel when we come back home from work each evening.  Life has taken us through the wringer!  Work is so draining!  We’ve been stretched to our breaking point.  Life is so hard! 

And so … tangled and twisted, we drag ourselves home … to our “safe place.” 

Home … it’s a safe place. 

Home is where those who love you can help “reshape” you … they listen to you, they value you, they affirm you, they believe in you.  After having “gone through the wringer” at work all day, home is where you can “lay flat to dry.”  You don’t have to have your defenses up.  You can let your guard down … and just rest … and be who you are.  You can heal. 

This would be my answer to today’s Gratitude Challenge.  Home is my favorite place … because it is where I am safe.  It is where I am accepted, unconditionally.  It is where I am loved … no matter what.  It is where I can “lay flat to dry” after having “gone through the wringer” … so that I can once again go out to face yet another day, and do what God has called me to do. 

What about you?  What is your favorite place and why?