Gratitude Challenge: What are you grateful for about where you live

Gratitude Challenge:  What are you grateful for about where you live

One of the things I love about where I live is the vast diversity of nationalities and peoples in my city.  

For example, at the Costco where I shop it is normal to hear many different languages being spoken as we shop up and down the aisles.  In the chip section we can get Roasted Seaweed Snacks (they are actually quite tasty!), as well as Shrimp-flavored crackers.  There are Asian Boba Ice cream bars, and Green Tea Mochi ice cream.  There is a large selection of Indian foods … Dhal, Ghee, Naan, Curry, and all kinds of Indian sweet desserts which I have never heard of … alongside American Pumpkin Pie.   Last week, as hubby and I were checking out, the two guys in front of us in the checkout line were from Ethiopia.  Their cart was loaded with coats and clothing which they were taking back to their family and friends in Ethiopia.  I love living in a city with people from all over the world! 

I am grateful for this diversity because it keeps me small and humble.  “My way” and “my perspective” is not the only way of doing things.  There are all kinds of different thoughts and opinions and ways of doing things. 

I am grateful for this diversity because it broadens my mind and understanding.  I love trying new and unusual items at Costco … such as Egg-Yolk cakes (not tasty!) … and Chinese New Year Pineapple cakes (very tasty!!). 

I am grateful for this diversity because it makes me feel like I am part of global humanity … not just my own specific race and corner of the world.  We are all God’s children and God loves us all!  I love being an active part of that! 

What about you?  What are you grateful for about where you live?