Gratitude Challenge: Simple things you are grateful for

Gratitude Challenge:  Simple things you are grateful for

Here you can see a photo of a fancy fizzy drink my son recently gave me. 

Costco has a new selection of Holiday-flavored fizzy drinks available … and since my son loves fizzy drinks, he picked up a case.  He was so delighted with these new Holiday flavors he just had to share them with me … even though he knows I don’t really like fizzy drinks.  

Much to my surprise, I really like them!  In the photo you can see the Cranberry Frost flavor.  There is also an Apple Cider flavor which is very tasty! 

This is just a simple thing, but my son’s love for me meant the world!  Oftentimes it’s the little things which demonstrate love the greatest! 

Love shines the greatest in the little things! 

We are headed to the beach to celebrate Thanksgiving.  One of the things I love about the beach is flying kites!  The beaches of the Pacific Northwest are cold!  And very very windy!   Here is a photo from last July … mind you, this was the last weekend of July, and while it was 98 degrees at our house, it was absolutely freezing cold at the beach! 

What was so fascinating about this particular experience is that the water vapor in the air kept condensing on the string and rolling down in a succession of little water droplets.  As the kite danced and jerked at the end of the string on the wind currents, the water droplets continually rolled down the string in a regular rhythm, one after the other after the other. 

My pastor has often compared a kite filled with the wind, to our lives as Christians filled with the Holy Spirit.  We cannot see the wind.  We feel it blowing as we walk on the beach, and we pull our warm coats tight.  But when we release a kite into the air, the power of the wind comes alive!  We feel the tug on the string!  We have to hold tight!  The wind fills the kite and takes it dancing across the sky. 

In much the same way, if we are Christians, the power of the Holy Spirit fills our lives.  We cannot see the Holy Spirit, just like we can’t see the wind.  (John 3:8)   Just as the wind blows across the beach, and we react to it by pulling our coats tight, so also the “wind” of the Holy Spirit blows through life … drawing people to Jesus Christ.  Likewise, people react … by either closing their hearts tight against Jesus Christ.  Or they surrender to Jesus … and give the “kite” of their life to Him. 

When we accept Jesus Christ and His gift of salvation, we give the string of our “kite” to Jesus.  Jesus is the one controlling the string now.  Jesus releases the “kite” of our life into the wind.  And the power of the Holy Spirit carries our “kite” high, and takes us dancing across the skies! 

I do not have the skill to do areal tricks with kites.  It is amazing to watch those who do.  To see the big colorful, intricately complex kites dancing and twirling and flipping to and fro on the wind currents … it’s amazing!  It is absolutely stunning to watch!  

This is what Jesus and the Holy Spirit together do with our lives.  Jesus holds the string … and adjusts, directs, and maneuvers the “kite” of our life according to how the “wind currents” of the Holy Spirit are blowing.  And just like the colorful, intricately complex kites, so also our lives are just as colorful and intricately complex.  It is amazing what Jesus and the Holy Spirit do with the “kite” of our lives!  It is absolutely stunning for the watching world to observe! 

Flying a kite at the beach is a simple thing … but it is something I am grateful for! 

What about you?  What simple things are you grateful for?

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