Gratitude Challenge: A risk you are grateful you took

Gratitude Challenge:  A risk you are grateful you took

In the Fall of 2020, when the churches in our area were just being allowed to gather together again in person, the need arose at our little church for an Admin.  I had no interest whatsoever in this job.  (the type of jobs I enjoy most are in food service kitchens or working in bookstores)   But I cared for our little church, so I began praying for this need on behalf of our church. 

As I prayed, God seemed to ask me:  “Why don’t you do that job?”  My immediate reaction was:  “That’s crazy!  I’ve never done anything like that before.  I don’t have the computer skills to do something like that.  I don’t want to do that job.” 

But every time I tried to pray about it on behalf of our church, God always put on my heart that I should be the one to do it.

This was a big risk for me.  It was way outside my comfort zone! 

After wrestling with God, I surrendered and said yes … and accepted the Amin role.  The learning curve was painful!  There were lots of tears as I tried to learn how to use databases and excel spreadsheets … and hubby was so patient to teach me over and over and over the simplest things. 

But what God did through that Admin job was amazing!  The relationships that were built, the friendships, the growth in my own personal life … it was all amazing!  I grew stronger in areas I never dreamed of.  In fact, the courage to write these blog posts and share with the world what God is teaching me is a direct result of that risk I took. 

If you feel like God is calling you to do something risky … something you’ve never done before … something that seems really scary, and you aren’t sure how you can do it … follow God and take the risk.  He will be with you each step of the way!  He will help you learn what you need to learn.  He will wipe your tears when you just can’t figure it out!  He will pick you up and dust you off, and tell you to get back at it again. 

And through it all, God will grow you into a much stronger person than you ever dreamed!  He will give you courage you never thought you would have!  He will develop strengths and skills you never imagined!  He will do amazing things for His Kingdom through you … not because you knew what you were doing or were so great at it … but because He is just that good! 

Whatever risk God is calling you to, don’t be afraid.  Follow where God is leading … and you’ll be amazed at what He does through it!