Gratitude Challenge: A person in your past you are grateful for

Gratitude Challenge:  A person in your past you are grateful for

Think of a person who made a positive difference in your life.  What qualities does that person have that you would like to develop? 

When hubby and I first moved to Seattle in 2000 we knew no one.  Up until then we had been living in a delightfully small quiet town  …  so, the big scary city of Seattle was overwhelming to us.  We had two small children (3 yrs. & 1yr.), and we now had no friends and no support structure.  We were truly on our own. 

It was at this very vulnerable fragile stage of life that we met Dennis & Carolina.  We were new visitors at a new church and this wonderful couple went out of their way to introduce themselves to us … and to invite us over to their home for a meal! 

That was the beginning of a very special and lasting friendship! 

Dennis & Carolina were our very first friends in Seattle.  When we had absolutely no one … they were there for us.  They cared about our two little children and poured love into them.  This meant the world to us!  Because we had no one. 

We always knew that if we ever had a problem or needed anything we could call them, and they would be there for us.  Just this knowledge alone was a huge comfort and support for us. 

Over the years hubby and I have moved … multiple times … and Dennis & Carolina have also moved as well.  Yet our friendship with them has continued! 

Our kids are now grown and off doing their own thing.  Hubby and I are in a completely different season of life …  and it has now become our goal to be what Dennis & Carolina were to us, to other young couples who are like we once were. 

We know what it’s like to be all alone … with no one … and no support structure.  We want to care deeply about other young couples … the way Dennis & Carolina cared about us.  We want to love … the way Dennis & Carolina loved us.  We want to support and pour love into precious children … the way Dennis & Carolina supported and poured love into our kids. 

Thank you Dennis & Carolina for the huge impact you had on our lives!  We are who we are today because of you! 

For all the blog readers out there … what about you?  Who, from your past, has made a positive difference in your life?