Gratitude Challenge: A luxury item you are thankful for

Gratitude Challenge:  A luxury item you are thankful for

Last weekend hubby and I cleaned up all the fallen leaves.  Between the Big-Leaf-Maple in the back, and numerous other Big-Leaf-Maples on the side of the house and in the front, there are a lot of leaves to clean up!  In the past it has taken us many hours (spread over several days) to rake and blow all the leaves.  

But last year hubby got a leaf-picker-upper contraption which attaches to the back of his riding lawn mower.  This leaf-picker-upper has a spinning bar with a brush, much like a vacuum has a spinning roller bar with a brush. As hubby rides around the yard on his riding lawn mower, this leaf-picker-upper sweeps up all the leaves into a large catch-container  (similar to a push mower’s catch-bag). 

In an hour’s time hubby can ride back and forth across the yard picking up leaves, then depositing them wherever we want.  For me, this is a great luxury!  Both hubby and I are so thankful for this leaf-picker-upper attachment for our riding lawn mower. 

This would be a luxury item for which I am very grateful! 

An additional Gratitude

Hubby and I have several wonderful Compassion children whom we sponsor and whom I really enjoy writing to.  In their letters back to us they ask us what foods we enjoy.  My answer is that I really enjoy smoothies.  One of my favorite smoothies is mango-banana!  However, mangoes do not grow in cold, rainy Washington.  Mangoes grow in warm sunny Bangladesh, where our Compassion kids live.  Neither do bananas grow in our cold rainy area … but they do grow in warm sunny Bangladesh. 

The fact that I can go to Costco and get a big bag of frozen mangoes is a luxury!  And that I can get bananas from just about anywhere … that’s a luxury! 

The fact that I have a freezer at home in which I can store the frozen mangoes is a luxury.  And the fact that I have a blender which I can use to blend up the mangoes and bananas into a smoothie is very much a luxury! 

So, I would also have to say, a mango-banana smoothie is a luxury for which I am deeply grateful! 

What about you?  What luxury are you grateful for?