Gratitude Challenge: 3 things you love about your family

Gratitude Challenge:  3 things you love about your family

It’s static-shock weather. 

Each evening whenever I get up from the couch and go over to turn off the light, I brace myself for the inevitable static shock!  I know it’s coming … and it’s never pleasant. 

In the same way, we’ve all probably known someone who interacting with them is like reaching to turn off the light … we brace for the “static shock!”  We know it’s coming … and it’s never pleasant. 

Any interaction with them almost always results in a jolt of “shock!” from their words or their demeanor.  In whatever way they respond, or whatever they say, there always seems to be a “zing!” of “charge” to it!   It hurts.  It is not pleasant to be around them. 

Interacting with these types of people makes us uptight and tense.  Even in casual conversation, if we say anything wrong or don’t get every detail right, they will be sure to correct us!  Zing!  Static-shock! 

If they are tense, stressed out, tired, or exhausted … trying to interact with them in any way results in a highly charged Zing!  Static-shock! 

Today’s Gratitude Challenge:  What 3 things do you love about your family? 

1.)   I am thankful that I do not have to fear being “static-shockzapped by my family.  Even when my family is stressed out, tired, or exhausted … they never “static-shock” me.  No matter their fatigue or weariness, they are always respectful, patient, and kind. 

Love is patient … Love is kind. 

2.)   I am thankful my family does not “static-shockzing! me when I make a mistake or say something wrong.  Those times when my brain is fuzzy and my thoughts come out jumbled, my family does not demean me by making a point to correct every little detail I got “wrong.”  They knew what I was trying to say.  I am so thankful for the grace they show me. 

Love is not proud … Love is not rude … Love does not seek its own. 

3.)   I am thankful my family is my “safe place.”  I do not have to be on edge;  I do not have to have my guard up;  I do not have to brace myself when interacting with them.  My family is my “safe place.”  I have freedom to truly be who I am … the real me … and they do not criticize or judge me. 

Love keeps no record of wrongs.  Love always protects … Love always trusts … Love always perseveres. 

A favorite quote by George Eliot: 
“Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person;  having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.” 

What about you?  What 3 things do you love about your family?