Gratitude Challenge: 2 everyday things you are grateful for

Gratitude Challenge:  2 everyday things you are grateful for

It is a lot of work to keep a fire going in order to heat the house.  I can’t imagine having to keep a fire going in order to heat the water we use. 

I now find myself consciously and immensely grateful … every day … for hot water!  Especially when it’s 31 degrees outside each morning. 

Have you ever thought twice about the nice steamy hot water for a shower?  It is definitely something to be grateful for! 

How about the hot water to wash clothes?  Can you imagine having to keep a fire going in order to heat up enough hot water to do laundry?  I now have an enormous gratitude for the hot water flowing into my washing machine to get all our dirty clothes clean. 

How about the hot water to cook with … or to wash the dirty dishes?  I can’t imagine the added work and effort to try to heat water in order to cook … or to wash all the dirty dishes and pots and pans. 

Today’s Gratitude Challenge:  What is an everyday thing you are grateful for?  Hot water!  Definitely hot water! 

But today’s Gratitude Challenge mentions 2 everyday things … my second everyday thing for which I am grateful is a car barn so that we don’t have to scrape frost. 

Just about all of us have had to scrape frost at one time or another.  It is not pleasant. 

We’re already running late for work.  It’s 31 degrees outside.  We’re freezing as soon as we step out the door.  And then we can hardly get the car key to turn in the door latch (we’ve got an old car), the door handle struggles to open in the iciness, the inside of the car is bitterly cold … and then while the engine warms up, with the air vents blasting on high, we have to stand outside and scrape frost. 

An enclosed garage, or a covered parking spot, is something for which to be immensely grateful!  When hubby and I moved to our home in the forest, a small 2-stall horse barn came with the property.  Removing a wall here, removing the stall-dividers, pouring some concrete … and voila … a car barn! 

For today’s second everyday gratitude – mine would definitely be a car barn!  And not having to scrape frost! 

What about you?  What everyday things are you grateful for?