When I was a young mom with two little ones, I decided to attend a Young Moms group at my church.
At the time hubby and I only had one vehicle. So, it was a juggling effort to drop hubby off at work so I could have the car for the day. I arrived at the Young Mom’s meeting expectant and excited to see what it was like.
Much to my dismay, the conversation around the tables quickly turned to the ladies bad-mouthing and griping about their husbands. (Keep in mind that each one of these ladies had a loving husband who was working hard every day so she could have the privilege of staying home to raise the little ones.)
I was horrified! I never went back to another meeting again.
My daughter recently had a similar experience. She was volunteering in the infant nursery at her church on Sunday morning, when the other ladies who were also serving in the nursery began a gripe-fest berating their husbands for every little fault and flaw. My daughter was horrified! She came home irate about what had occurred.
Gossip buddies around a gossip blaze!
In our background photo today, you can see a bonfire which hubby and I had on July 4th. It’s not exactly the type of bonfire you might expect for a July 4th celebration. This particular bonfire was built very deliberately over the stump of a big-leaf maple in our back yard which we are trying very hard to kill.
We’ve been trying for several years now to eradicate this stump … but it keeps coming back!
In our case, we are intentionally trying to kill the stump! When it comes to gossip buddies around a gossip blaze … the same thing is happening. Except gossip buddies around a gossip blaze are killing their relationships!
The young moms in the women’s group I attended all those many years ago … and the gossipy ladies in the church nursery … each one who bad-mouthed her husband had, in essence, taken an axe to the “tree” of her marriage. Then she had pulled out logs of “stored up offenses” with which to “roast” her husband!
Each lady was building a gossip bonfire blaze over the stump of her own marriage!
Proverbs 14:1 – “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”
Proverbs 11:12 – “A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.”
This does not just apply to women who bad-mouth their husbands (and thereby destroy their marriages). It applies to anyone who chooses to “roast” (behind their back) the one with whom they are in relationship … for entertainment around a gossip blaze!
Gossip with a “gossip buddy” around a “gossip blaze” will absolutely destroy a relationship!
Proverbs 26:20 – “Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.”
Proverbs 11:13 – “A gossip betrays a confidence.”
Posted inMarriage Relationships