God’s glory … shining through flower petals!

God’s glory  …  shining through flower petals!

I am in awe of these orange sunflowers with the yellow highlighting!  

It’s amazing how the tiniest tints of yellow at both the base of the flower petals and at the tip really add a dynamic pop to the overall scene!  

And what’s more  …  it’s the dark center that give the yellow highlighting its dynamic pop!  

Think about it  …  if the center were not so dark, the highlighting wouldn’t pop at all.    In fact, I would dare say if the center were not so dark, the highlighting probably wouldn’t even be noticed. 

It’s the dark center which gives this sunflower such visual character!  

The same thing is true when it comes to our lives.    We don’t like the dark times.    We don’t like the difficult seasons.    We don’t like the hard.  

But, just like these sunflowers, it’s those dark seasons which make the highlighting of God’s glory in our life pop!    It’s the dark difficult things which make our lives dynamic!    It’s the dark hard things which produce character in us!  

Don’t despise the dark center of your “sunflower”  …  God is using it to highlight His amazing glory through you!