God watches over me.

God watches over me.

I had originally created and cued up this blog post several days ago … as part of a 9-day look at Psalm 145. As you can see from the background photo, the focus verse for today is Psalm 145:20 – “The LORD watches over all who love Him.”

This, however, was only the first half of the verse.

The second half of the verse states: “… but all the wicked He will destroy.”

It seems that God would like me to also include the second half of the verse along with this post.

Around 11am today my son sent me a text that many of his friends back East are having problems with wildfire smoke.

What?!? The East coast doesn’t get wildfire smoke.

So my son sent me a screenshot of his weather app. Sure enough, the air-quality map for the East coast looks just like our air-quality map in August & September.

What is going on?!?

I commented to my son that it is interesting how the worst smoke (whether East coast or West coast) “just so happens” to be in the areas which are promoting the worst sins for society. Terrible wildfires first began to be a problem in southern California. Then about 6 years ago, terrible wildfires began to be a problem in the Pacific Northwest.

Culture is created in the cities. Politics, education, philosophy, art, music, drama, literature, entertainment, media, etc. … these things are created primarily in the big cities. Culture flows downstream out of the cities … to the rest of society.

This is why cities are so important.

This is why it matters a lot that Christians who love God live in the cities … and are “plugged in” to what is happening in their cities … and are engaged in the creation of culture … and “have a seat at the table” (so to speak). If we are going to impact society as a whole … it begins in the cities.

Terrible wildfire problems first began to impact southern California … the primary hub where innovation, technology, entertainment, media, and culture flow out to the rest of our country.

Wildfires problems then have been increasingly impacting the Pacific Northwest … the primary hub where technology and innovation flow out to the rest of the world.

I find it curious that right now … at this particular moment … as June is well underway, wildfire smoke is blanketing the East-coast hub-cities of New York and Washington DC. It’s a curious thing.

June celebrations are well underway! Rainbow flags are being proudly displayed outside of homes. Rainbow flags have replaced the American flag on center flagpoles. Hubby and I were at Costco last night, and I was intrigued by the specialty rainbow popsicle ice-cream bars which were available for sale.

It seems God has decided to join in the celebration this year. Here you can see a screenshot of my current weather app right now.

God has literally covered our country with a “rainbow of colors” … accompanied by the smell of smoke.

I find God’s sense of humor absolutely hilarious!

However, right alongside is a deep sobering!! There is no way I would want to be on the other side of God’s fierce wrath!

That smell of smoke … hell is real! Hell is a very real place. Hell is the penalty for our sin.

God is loving! He does not want anyone to suffer wrath and hell for their sin. God has provided a way of escape so that we don’t have to suffer hell for our sin. Jesus already paid the penalty for our sin. Jesus already suffered God’s wrath on our behalf. Jesus has made a way for us to escape God’s wrath.

All we have to do is repent of our sin, and to turn to Jesus.

God is patient. But His patience won’t last forever.

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.” – Hebrews 3:7-8

“The LORD watches over all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy.” – Psalm 145:20