God loves you exactly the way you are!

God loves you exactly the way you are!

This was the first year we have ever had a watermelon harvest!    I was so excited!  

Here you can see our watermelon harvest, alongside our September strawberries.  

When my son first saw this photo, he automatically assumed the strawberries were the size you would normally get at the grocery store.    You know  …  nice BIG perfect strawberries. 

With that perspective, the watermelons in the photo didn’t necessarily strike him as being all that small. 

But  …  the strawberries are not BIG,  like the “perfect” strawberries you get at the grocery store.    The strawberries, in fact, are quite small.  

To give you an idea as to the actual size of the watermelons  …  here you can see our little homegrown watermelon alongside a “normal” watermelon from the grocery store.  

As I looked at the little homegrown watermelon sitting there on my kitchen counter alongside the “normal” watermelon from the store, I couldn’t help but wonder how many people feel exactly like that. 

How many people feel like they just don’t “measure up”?    No matter how hard they try,  no matter what they do,  they just don’t feel like they are “good enough.”  

This little watermelon had grown as best as it could in my garden.    It had done its very best. 

And it had produced a beautiful watermelon.   

But it could easily have compared  …  and felt like it wasn’t “good enough”  …  or that it wasn’t “normal.” 

Do you ever feel this way?   

Since we’re talking about “normal”  …  what about the little strawberries which were sitting alongside the homegrown watermelons.  They aren’t “normal” either.    They aren’t BIG and “perfect” like the strawberries at the grocery store.    In fact, they didn’t even turn ripe at the “normal” time of year strawberries are “supposed to.”   

And yet, these little strawberries are exactly the way God made them to be!  

They grew exactly the way God intended for them to grow!  

Just as the little homegrown watermelon is exactly the way God made it to be!   

It grew exactly the way God intended for it to grow!    And I was delighted with it!   

The strawberries didn’t need to be BIG and “perfect.”    I was absolutely delighted with them just the way they were!    They were sweet and juicy and delicious!   

So also, the little homegrown watermelon didn’t need to be BIG and “perfect” either.    I was absolutely delighted with it!  

In the same way, you too are exactly the way God made you to be!  

Don’t compare yourself to other people.    You are not them.    God did not make you to be them.  

Be who God made you to be!   

And just like I was absolutely delighted with our September strawberries and our little homegrown watermelon, so also God is every bit as much delighted with you exactly the way you are!  

God loves you exactly the way you are!