God loves me, even though He sometimes says “No.”

God loves me,  even though He sometimes says “No.”

This past Sunday’s sermon was from Psalm 23: “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

I have since been pondering how that sometimes it doesn’t feel like “I shall not want.” Sometimes there are things that I really really want, which my good shepherd says “No” to.

Jesus, my good shepherd, created me. Jesus, my good shepherd, made me exactly the way He did for a specific reason. Jesus, my good shepherd, has called me … to a specific task and purpose in life, based upon the specific way He made me.

Jesus, my good shepherd, loves me!

Jesus, my good shepherd, has provided exactly what I need to do exactly what He has called me to do in life! If I do not have it, then Jesus, my good shepherd, has already provided everything I need to do what He has called me to do.

I need to trust my good shepherd!

I need to trust that Jesus, my good shepherd, loves me!

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken.” – Isaiah 54:10