God keeps my “candle” going

God keeps my “candle” going

I was sitting here at the table this morning, having some quiet time with God and His Word,  when I glanced up and noticed the little candle next to me was barely burning. 

“That’s the way I feel,” I immediately thought. 

Do you ever feel like this little candle? 

This past month has been so busy and so exhausting!  I’m completely empty.  I don’t have anything left to give.  I feel just like this little candle … almost completely gone out. 

But the little candle hasn’t gone out completely.  The little candle is still lit and burning.  It might not be much, but it’s still going. 

This is what God does in our lives when we feel completely empty, with nothing left to give.  God keeps our “candle” going. 

“You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.”  – Psalm 18:28  

It is now 8 hrs. later, and time for me to start fixing dinner.  The little candle did not go out.  In fact, it has burned all day long … and is still burning brightly. 

If you feel like your little “candle” is about to go out, God can … and will … keep your “candle” going!