God doesn’t want me to give up hope.

God doesn’t want me to give up hope.

Hubby and I were at Home Depot recently … and lo and behold … the seeds are for sale!    A big display … full of hundreds of different kinds of seeds!    It was very exciting! 

Let’s get a packet of this … and a packet of that … and a few more packets of these! 

Let’s try some snow peas this year!    And while we’re at it … let’s try four different kinds of sunflowers this year!  

Never mind that the garden had dismal results last year.    Never mind that the watermelon and cantaloupe didn’t do a thing last year.    Never mind that the pumpkin seeds only resulted in 1 pitiful plant … and 0 pumpkins.    Never mind that out of 3 full packs of tomato seeds, only a small handful of plants produced tomatoes. 

None of that matters.  That was last year. 

This is new summer!  … with lots of new hopes!  … and lots of new dreams! 

As I look at the huge stack of seed packets lying on my kitchen counter, I can’t help but think of the “seeds” we sow in life.  “Seeds” of friendship … “seeds” of kindness … “seeds” of who God is … “seeds” of the love of God. 

We sow and sow and sow these “seeds” into the lives of others around us. 

We have such hope as we sow the “seeds” … hope for relationship!    Hope for the salvation of someone whom we care deeply about!    Hope for precious little lives to come to know Christ and love and serve Him.  


Lots of “seeds” sown. 

But sometimes, it seems like for all the many “seeds” we sow, nothing comes from it.    We wonder:  Is it all in vain?    Are these “seeds” of kindness a total loss?    Are these “seeds” of friendship wasted?    What about the “seeds” of who God is … and the “seeds” of the love of God?    

God, can You do something with these “seeds”??? 

God, can You make these “seeds” sprout?? 

God, I have sown and sown and sown “seeds” … and it doesn’t seem like anything has come from it … at all. 

What is that thing you’ve been praying for?  

What “seeds” have you been sowing … year … after year … after year?  

Don’t give up hope.  Nothing is too hard for God. 

Keep sowing those “seeds”!