Global warming!

Global warming!

Our forestry class last week was over climate change.   

We learned that over the past 150 years the average temperature in our area has gone up  …  two degrees!    Two!!    We should be worried!    We should be very very worried!  …  because all the fancy graphs and charts predict that over the next 100 years the temperature is going to spike upwards!  …  and the results will be cataclysmic to our forests!  

As forest landowners, how do we effectively manage our forests to be able to handle this worrisome future we are facing??  

Throughout the weeks of our forestry class, we have been told how our different tree and plant species have evolved with these specific characteristics to be able to grow here.    I can’t help but logically ask  …  if these tree and plant species evolved to grow here, then logically shouldn’t they be able to evolve in order to handle climate change??   

If evolution is indeed true  … then shouldn’t we be seeing it at work  …  right here, right now when it comes to climate change??  

In the evenings hubby and I have been enjoying an absolutely fabulous video series entitled:  Frozen Planet II.    The cinematography is stunning!    Absolutely breathtaking!    The musical score is amazing! 

We get to enjoy watching penguins and their cute little babies down in the Antarctic.   

We get close-up views of a mama seal and her baby pup on an ice-flow, and of the mama teaching her little pup to swim in the freezing waters.   

We get to see a pod of Orca whale working together in coordinated concert to completely break a huge ice-flow into small pieces, thereby washing a seal off into the sea  … for dinner.   

We get to see polar bears  …  and their adorable small cubs.  

The narration behind the epic footage tells us that the penguins evolved over millions of years to have these specific characteristics to be able to survive in these extreme cold conditions.    But oh no!  …  global warming!!    We should be worried!    We should be very very worried!    The little baby penguins are perishing!  

Because of global warming, rather than snow falling …  cold rain is falling instead.    The little baby penguins only have downy fur.    The downy fur keeps them insulated against frigid snowy conditions, but it doesn’t insulate them in a soggy muddy cold downpour.    The little baby penguins are perishing! 

We should be worried!    We should be very very worried!    What if all the penguins perish?!?    What if there are no more penguins!?! 

As the viewer, watching the stunning video footage of these beautiful amazing penguins, my thought is:   I can’t control the weather of the earth.    I can’t cause the rain falling in Antarctica to be snow instead.  I don’t have any control over that!

And besides  …  if these penguins really did evolve with the characteristics to be able survive these extreme conditions  …  then shouldn’t they be evolving to handle the current “global warming” changes??    Logically, if evolution is indeed true  …  then shouldn’t we be seeing these babies evolving the type of coat needed to survive and not perish??    Shouldn’t we be seeing evolution at work  …  right here, right now with the baby penguins??  

But no  …  we should be worried!!    We should be very very worried!!    The penguin babies are perishing!  

Then my question is:  Is evolution true??  …  or is it not??  

The same narration played out for the mama seal and her baby pup on the ice flow.    Global warming is causing the ice flows to melt!    There are fewer and fewer ice flows.    We should be worried!    We should be very very worried!!    If there are no more ice flows  …  then there will be nowhere for the mama seals to give birth to their pups!    And if there are no more ice flows  …  then there will be nowhere safe for the little pups to grow up.    

As the viewer watching the adorable little baby seal pup, my thought is:   I can’t control whether the ice in the arctic melts.    I don’t have any control over that!  

And besides  …  if evolution really is true, then shouldn’t the seals be able to adapt and survive just fine??    Why are we all freaking out??    Why do we all need to panic and worry??    Is evolution true  …  or is it not??  

When watching the pod of Orca whale, the narration told us that we needed to be very worried!    Because when the ice flows melt, there won’t be any more seals for the Orca to hunt.    Then the Orca will go hungry  …  and they will perish!    We need to be very very worried!!  

But as the viewer, I couldn’t help but logically wonder:    If evolution really is true, then shouldn’t the Orca whale just grow legs and crawl out of the water and be able to go hunt for food on land??    Why are we so worried??    Evolution should be able to solve the problem itself.  

Is evolution true??  …  or is it not??  

I personally do not believe in evolution.    I personally believe in a loving God who created this entire earth and every beautiful, amazing creature on this planet.  

I believe that God is all-powerful  …  and I believe that God is in complete and total control of everything which occurs on this earth!  

Only God can control the weather!    Only God can make it snow!  

I do not need to be panicked or worried about things which I have no control over.    I do not need to be fearful over the changes I see occurring around me.    I have total trust in my God!  

I have hope!  …  because my hope is in my loving Creator God!  

I have peace!  …  because my peace is found in my loving Creator God!  

I have confidence!  …  because my confidence is in my loving all-powerful Creator God!