Fruit of Spirit Kindness #7

Fruit of Spirit Kindness #7

The Fruit of the Spirit is KINDNESS.

Our Daily-verse today states:   “God is KIND to the ungrateful and wicked.”   -Luke 6:35b-36

Our accompanying background photo shows the headlights of a car illuminating the roadway … thereby revealing a crucial and imminent curve in the road.

Humanity is lost in the darkness of sin.   Completely lost.  No one knows which way to go.  People are cruising down the “highway of life” only to suddenly find themselves crashing through bushes, suffering scratches, scars, bumps, and bruises.  Some have careened headfirst over embankments;  still others have missed crucial curves and smashed into obstacles;  others have bogged down in deep ditches with no way to get out.

God LOVES us so much that He has not left us to wander through this life in the darkness of sin.  God has provided direction.  God has provided LIGHT!   Just as the headlights of the car are illuminating the way to go, so also God, in His great KINDNESS has brilliantly illuminated the WAY with LIGHT – Jesus!  

*   “Jesus said, ‘I am the WAY and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.’”   -John 14:6

Not only that, but God has sent the Holy Spirit into world so that everyone lost in the darkness would be drawn to the LIGHT and the WAY!   The Holy Spirit’s work is to draw people to Jesus!

*   “I have loved you with an everlasting LOVE; I have drawn you with LOVING-KINDNESS.”  -Jeremiah 31:3

*   “God’s KINDNESS leads you toward repentance.”   -Romans 2:4b

Just as the car headlights are illuminating the way in the dark, so also the Holy Spirit’s KINDNESS, in and through our lives, illuminates the dark path of life to lead people to Jesus!