Fruit of Spirit Kindness #5

Fruit of Spirit Kindness #5

The Fruit of the Spirit is KINDNESS.

In our background photo today, we see a cellphone flashlight illuminating a dark path.  In much the same way, our very lives shine the LIGHT of KINDNESS … thereby illuminating the dark path of life, to lead people to Jesus!

Each of us has a cellphone … our cellphone is unique to us.  Our cellphone is located in a unique geographical region of the country, in a unique neighborhood, within a unique culture.  

The lock-screen and home-screen on our cellphone uniquely represents who we are.  The social media apps downloaded onto our cellphone uniquely represent who we are.  The music we listen to, the YouTube videos we watch, the photos we take, the texts/emails we send and receive … it all is completely unique to us.

Just like the cellphone in today’s background photo, God has placed each one of us in a specific geographical region of the country, in a unique neighborhood, within a unique culture … to shine the LIGHT of KINDNESS through our lives, to lead people to Jesus!

Just like the cellphone in the background photo, the “settings” of each one of us are unique.  The “settings” that make us who we are (our personality, our likes, our dislikes, etc…) are individually unique as we shine the LIGHT of KINDNESS through our lives, to lead people to Jesus!

Just as the cellphone in the background photo has uniquely-individual apps downloaded, so also we each have uniquely-individual experiences which have been downloaded into our lives.  These “downloads” give us unique perspectives, information, talents, and giftings … which we can then use to shine the LIGHT of KINDNESS, thereby leading people to Jesus!

Ephesians 2:10 states:  “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

God has made us unique … for this time right now! … for this place right here! … to shine the LIGHT of KINDNESS, in order to lead people to Jesus!

*  “LOVE is KIND.”   –1 Corinthians 13:4

*  “God’s KINDNESS leads you toward repentance.”  –Romans 2:4b   

The Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS will illuminate the dark path of life, to lead people to Jesus!