Fruit of Spirit Kindness #3

Fruit of Spirit Kindness #3

The Fruit of the Spirit is KINDNESS.

Romans 2:4b states:  “God’s KINDNESS leads you toward repentance.”   

Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is totally different and unique in that the Holy Spirit uses this type of KINDNESS to draw people to Jesus!  Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is 100% driven by the Holy Spirit’s active presence at work in our lives.

For example:

*   Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is that urgency deep down in your soul to send a special care package to a high school young man in ICU.  It doesn’t matter that he lives in a completely different state, or that you have never met him, or know nothing about him.  The Holy Spirit knows who he is and what his needs are.  And the Holy Spirit knows that he needs some LOVE from God right now!   The Holy Spirit prompts an act of KINDNESS which will encourage this young man in his faith and draw him deeper in his relationship with God.   The Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS draws people to Jesus!

*   Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is that urgency that comes over you to bake cookies to send to college kids far away from their homes and their families.   What you don’t know is that they are exhausted and discouraged.  What you don’t know is that just that morning one of them prayed to God and specifically asked God to please send a care package.  And what you don’t know is that that very day, the care package with cookies showed up in the mail … in direct answer to the college student’s prayer … thereby strengthening that college student’s faith, and revealing God’s great LOVE in direct answer to prayer!  The Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS draws people to Jesus!

The above examples highlight not only the Holy Spirit’s 100% guidance and direction, but also the fact that the Holy Spirit’s Fruit of KINDNESS will directly relate to the unique design and individual giftings of God’s people. 

We each have different personalities.  We come from different backgrounds, with unique histories which have shaped us into the people we are today.  We have different preferences;  different skills;  different interests.  Some of us are social/relational;  some of us are introvert/esoteric.

Romans 11:34 and 1 Corinthians 2:16 both state:  “Who has known the mind of the Lord?”

God is beyond comprehension or understanding;  so also the acts of KINDNESS prompted by the Holy Spirit are limitless and beyond comprehension.  The Holy Spirit uses our individuality in completely unique and different ways to produce Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS … by which people will be drawn to Jesus!

Our Daily-verse today states:  “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with KINDNESS.”   (Colossians 3:12-13a)   KINDNESS is like clothing we wear.   Our clothing reveals a lot about us.  Our clothing reflects our personality.  It can indicate places we’ve visited, causes which we care about, styles and colors we prefer.

Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is like that!   The Holy Spirit KINDNESS produced in our lives will directly reflect our personality, our interests, our passions, our giftings, our culture/location even.  

As stated before, the Holy Spirit is limitless when it comes to using our unique and individual giftings to illuminate life’s path for others. 

The Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS will lead people to Jesus!